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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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J. Bowman. The pastors have been: Revs. Holdridge, from 1861; Buzzard, from 1863; Bowman, from 1865 ; Yerger, from 1867 ; Kooker, from 1869; Hahn, 1871; Monnysmith, 1873; Johnson, 1875; Long, 1878; Hoover, 1880; Neibel, 1882; Skogsberg, 1883; Evans, 1884; S. A. Walton, 1886; W. J. Hahn, 1888, and J. E. Staufacher, 1890. The present officers are, D. D. Sheldon, class-leader; C. Webb, exhorter; L. Moore, and J. J. Stratton, stewards. The church has increased until it now has 109 members, and growth has been especially marked in late years.

Story City Church really began with the first visit, in 1870, of Rev. J. F. Yerger. After that this point steadily developed under the 'care of Rev. Holdridge ; Rev. S. A. Pettet, the first real pastor, 1876; Rev. C. H. Grarnley, 1878; Rev. D. P. Ellenberger and Rev. S. S. Kogsberg, 1880; Rev. C. M. Palmer, 1882; Rev. T. M. Evans, soon after; Rev. B. H. Niebel, 1883, under whom a church was organized and an edifice built; Rev. A. E. Mosher, 1886, and J. F. Yerger in 1887. This church is in the Des Moines District, while Colo and Iowa Center are in the Cedar Rapids District.

Colo Circuit includes Zearing also, and an entire membership of 131, which was administered to by Rev. J. F. Yerger in 1870 and Rev. N. B. Niebel, in 1889. This is smaller than Iowa Center Circuit, which has a membership of 238, and larger than Story City Circuit, with its eighty-eight members.

The Presbyterian Church, which began so early in Iowa, and now includes in its synod eight presbyteries with 358 churches, had Presbyterians in Story at an early date, and now includes the county in the presbytery of Waterloo. There were attempts at organization at Nevada in the fifties, and at Elwell, by Rev. Reid, later on, but Nevada is the only survivor of these attempts.

The Central Presbyterian Church at Nevada was organized by Rev. Thompson Bird, of Des Moines, in December, 1863, with the following members: R. B. Harper, Eliza J. Harper, J. M. Applegate, Lizzie Applegate, Sarah Beckley, Fred Diffenbacher, Eliza Diffenbacher, T. C. McCall, Mary A. B. McCall, Julia Ross, D. B. Stout, Mrs. D. B. Stout, Elizabeth Stevens. The first meeting was held in the old courthouse on January 29, 1866; Rev. I. Reid was moderator; William Garrett, treasurer; J. L. Dana, clerk, and T. C. McCall, J. M. Applegate and John Scott, trustees; these last mentioned secured articles of incorporation. T. C. McCall donated a lot, and a building-that now used opposite and east of the court-house-was erected in 1867 at a cost of about $3,500. The dedication occurred in 1868, and Rev. Isaiah Reid became their pastor. His successful career with the church extended down to the last day of December, 1877. Rev. D. B. Gordon succeeded him as stated supply until March 23, 1879, and on June 8, 1879, Rev. Eugene R. Mills held services and soon assumed regular pastorate. In May, 1883, he resigned, and in October, 1884, Rev. S. B. Neilson began serving the church as stated supply for a period of about six months. It was not until April 30, 1887, that Rev. W. A. Smith, a supply, held services a short time, and not until April 4, 1889, that a regular pastor was secured in the person of Rev. Campbell Coyle, whose installation occurred May 12, and whose pastorate gives promise of excellent results. R. M. Harper was the first ruling elder, and in 1868 T. C. McCall and G. A. Kellogg were elected. Other elders have been G. B. Toby, Thomas Ashford and O. B. Ingalls. The present active leaders in the Sabbath-school are: The pastor, O. B. Ingalls and wife, Mrs. J. L. Dana and Mrs. J. A. Fitchpatrick. A society of Christian Endeavor is in successful operation.

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