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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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has two congregations, namely, Nevada and Johnson Grove.

St. Paul's Evangelical Lutheran Church in Richland Township, at Johnson Grove, had its beginning in a visit made to Absalom Smay, on Indian Creek, by Rev. G. W. Schaeffer, who held a service in December, 1860, at the Murphy School. Late in 1861 Rev. J. G. Beckley came to Nevada as a teacher, and in course of time succeeded in organizing this church February 16, 1865, after a successful revival. Pastor Beckley, Elders Absalom Smay and W. McCain and Deacon J. A. Snelling were the officers, who, with Mrs. A. S. May, Mrs. E. Hague, Mrs. W. McCain, Mrs. Agnes Snelling and Alexander Snelling constituted the membership. The school-house was used until 1880, when the present frame church, 30x40 feet, and located on the south side of Section 24, was built at a cost of $1,200. The Sabbath-school was begun by W. McCain as early as 1858, and the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society was organized about 1885. They now have a membership of sixty-seven resident and eleven non-resident. The pastors have been as follows: Revs. J. G Beckley, from 1861 to June 4, 1871; J. J. Crigler, January 1, 1874, to April 1, 1875; P. S. Nellis, June 1, 1875, to March 1, 1876; C. Baird, November 1, 1877, to August 1, 1883; J. A. Ziegler, January 1, 1884, to August 1, 1889, and Rev. George H. Schnur, since October 1, 1889. The Revs. Beckley and Ziegler's pastorates were marked by especial growth.

Memorial Church, at Nevada, had its inception under the pastorate of Rev. C. Baird, at Johnson Grove. In June, 1882, he organized with the following members: Z. M., J. F. and Rebecca J. Baird, Mrs. J. C. Bechtel, Mrs. M. S. Beckley, C. C. Eicher, Mrs. C. Ewald, Conrad Ewald, Miss Margaret Ewald, Mrs. K. A. Grauel, Mrs. M. E. Payne, N. W. Simmons, Elias Stamm, Mrs. Mary Stamm, and Miss Lillie Stamm. Elder E. Stamm and Deacon J. F. Baird were officers. Services were held in an old store-room, owned by I. A. Ringheim, for three years, when their handsome frame church was erected, in 1885, at a cost of $3,600, the parsonage having been built in 1884, at a cost of $1,200. Both buildings are of pleasant architectural arrangement, and have late improvements. These were built under the pastorate of Rev. (now) Dr. Zeigler, of the chair of mathematics and astronomy in Carthage College, Illinois. Dr. Zeigler built both buildings at his own expense, and was reimbursed by the society five years later. The pastors have been the same as those of Johnson Grove, with which it is associated. They have a membership of thirty-six and a Sabbath school of fifty, which was organized in November, 1881, by Rev. Baird. The superintendent is O. O. Roe. The Woman's Missionary Society, organized in 1883, is in successful operation under the presidency of Rev. Mrs. Schnur.

The Evangelical Association organized its Des Moines Conference in April, 1876, at Blairstown, with Rev. Dr. R. Dubs as president and a membership of 2,781. At its meeting in Afton, in 1889, when the same gentleman presided, there were 4,219 members represented. Their societies in Story County include Iowa Center, Story City, and small societies at Colo, Pleasant Vale, Zearing, and Summit, near Nevada, from but two of which information seems obtainable.

The Iowa Center Church was organized in 1861, by Rev. Holdridge, with John Applegate and wife, Hezekiah Applegate and wife, M. Ellison and wife, Thomas Maxwell and wife, John John and wife, and others. John Applegate was class-leader. The Baptist Church was used until 1867, when a frame church was built at a cost of $1,500, and dedicated by Rev. H.

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