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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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and a new plat was made and recorded in May, with the old as Blair's Addition. Lots were at once sold, and C. H. McIntosh built the first house and store on Front Street, northwest of the depot, in the original plat. J. W. Bishop followed, as the first mechanic, merchant, blacksmith, wagon-maker, and painter, who built on Main Street, southeast corner of Fourth. Within a year or so, J. W. Kinsell became a merchant, also William Sellers located, and Baldwin & Maxwell of Iowa Center, put a branch house just south of the depot. County Superintendent J. H. Franks lived there, and C. Gross opened a store too. J. H. Vorhees opened a hotel just north of the depot on Front Street. On account of the larger population to the country south of the track, business seemed inclined to settle on Main Street, and from that time on-early seventies-it has clung to a couple of blocks on that street. While the population has not reached but about 400, the amount of business as a shipping point has grown to the proportions of many larger towns in the county. For 1889 the average monthly shipment was 15 cars of live-stock and 20 cars of grain. During May, 1890, 450 cases of eggs and 38,000 pounds of butter were shipped.

P. W. Hopkins and H. Cumming are two private bankers; Gales & Reed's creamery does a good business; Stewart & Cody are large horse buyers, while C. F. Wiggins deals more in cattle and hogs; W. A. Miller and Vail & Brown handle grain and coal, and lumber is kept by G. H. Richardson. L. C. Adams, H. Cumming, J. W. Kinsell, Lax & Hefley, John Niland and others are the leading business firms. There are no brick buildings. Two hotels, the Commercial and Colo, are on Front Sreet. There have been no newspapers. The postmasters have been as follows: Oscar F. Gear, May 18, 1864; J. H. Vorhees, September 27, 1865, James Dayton, April 9, 1867; J. H. Vorhees, July 15, 1867; Samuel L. Bailey, March 23, 1869; M. J. Hanks, July 8, 1872; John W. Kinsell, September 11, 1874; John R. McCoy, November 3, 1885; and W. A. Miller, April 9, 1889. Dr. White was the first physician, and among others who followed him were Drs. Frazee, Daugherty, McTavish and J. I. Hostetter, the last only being left.

Incorporation became necessary March 2, 1876, and the list of mayors from the first to present reads thus: S. L. Bailey, 1876-77; P. E. Granger, 1878; Leroy Wilkins, 1879; I. S. French, 1880; W. S. Morgan, 1881; P. E. Granger, 1882; A. T. Bartlett, 1883; W. A. Miller; 1884-85; and Henry Yeager, 1886 to the present. The council has built several small slough bridges and done a great deal of drainage, while in 1880 a town hall was erected at the cost of $700.

Their fraternity inclinations first took form in June, 1870, when a dispensation was granted to Columbia Lodge No. 292, F. & A. M., and a charter granted June 8, 1871.

The next organization was formed November 3, 1883, J. B. Steadman Post No. 238, G. A. R., named in honor of the distinguished general. Their first members and officers were John O'Niel, C.; P. W. Hopkins, S. V. C.; William Sapp, J. V. C.; S. French, O. of D.; J. T. Graves, O. of G.; A. M. Norris, Q. ; S. Pontious, chaplain ; J. Daugherty, S.; D. P. Wood, Adj.; A. Ladd, S. M.; H. C. French, J. B. Kindig, S. F. Griffin, Robert Hefley and John Reynolds. They have used successively the " Church of God," Masonic Hall and their own since 1888, and have about $300 in property. They now have twenty-two members. Their successive commanders are John O'Neil, 1883; I. S. French, 1881; O'Neil, 1885; John H. Shammo, 1886; J. C. Sawtell, 1887; W. W. Bruner, 1888; J. M. Elmore, 1889; and John

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