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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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The lodge has increased in membership to sixty-five, and has used the rooms of the A. O. U. W. and Odd Fellows. The successive chancellors have been: O. B. Alderman, C. G. McCarthy, W. K. Boardman, O. O. Roe, C. E. Hoag, J. T. Stone, O. A. Lyssand, H. L. Carroll, E. T. Alderman, H. D. Chamberlin and U. S. Alderman. On the following July 7, 1882, another fraternity arose, Enterprise Lodge No. 13, I. L. of H., organized by J. H. Helm, D. G. P. and with the following officials: J. F. Gillespie, P.; T. J. Ross, V. P.; J. W. White, C. S. ; R. J. Silliman, F. S.; L. E. White, Treas.; William Lockridge, chaplain ; I. K. Larue, U.; T. H. Stephens, D. K. ; I. L. Smith, O. S. These with D. J. Bunce, H. H. Boyes, E. H. Murrie, F. L. Ogden, O. O. Roe, G. W. Boyd, J. A. Fitchpatrick, G. W. Dyer, P. W. Farrar, E. S. Bamberger and H. D. Fitch embraced the charter membership. The society has paid about $4,000 insurance. Their successive presidents have been: J. F. Gillespie (1882), J. D. Ferner (1883), I. L. Smith (1884), and D. J. Bunce since 1885. They have twenty-three members and use the I. O. O. F. hall. This society was followed on January 7, 1884, by the formation of Jason D. Ferguson Post No. 31, G. A. R., as a re-organization of a defunct society-the A. B. Miller Post No. 31. There were fifty-six charter members and the following officers: I. L. Smith, C; O. W. Wilson, S. V. C.; Guilf Mullen, J. V. C.; F. D. Thompson, Q. M.; P. W. Farrar, surgeon; Rev. A. K. Bone, chaplain; C. W. Wood, O. of D.; H. H. Boyes, O. G.; M. C. Allen, Adj.; George Childs, Q. S.; A. W. Davis, S. M. The post has used the Odd Fellows' halls since they began and in membership have increased to sixty-nine. They have exerted a great influence in the community in the observance of Decoration Day and in otherwise stimulating public patriotism. Their post commanders have been I. L. Smith (1884), Jay A. King (1885), J. F. Gillespie (1886), J. D. Ferner (1887), Charles A. Schermerhorn (1888), John Beatty (1889) and James Dillin (1890). On March 3, 1888, was also formed The Woman's Relief Corps No. 147. Three years after the formation of the post, there was organized The Nevada Driving Club, on February 19, 1887, to promote the " speed, style, and docility of trotting, running, carriage and single horses." Their work influences from twenty to thirty speed horses, and an effort is being made to enter the National Association. They have leased the fair grounds, and hold occasional shows at their fine half-mile track. Their first officers were W. Gates, president; Charles E. Smith, secretary ; Jay A. King, treasurer; with Messrs. Banks, Simzer, Lockwood and Boardman as directors. Mr. Gates has been succeeded by Mr. Boardman as president. About the same time (January 28, 1887) was organized Frontier Camp No. 296, Modern Woodmen of America, with twenty-one members for insurance purposes, and their chief rendezvous have been the A. O. U. W. halls and Dr. Chamberlain's office. Their first officers were: W. H. Gallup, C.; O. B. Ingalls, Adv. ; Jay A. King, B. ; Charles E. Smith, C. ; Dr. H. D. Chamberlain, Exam. ; E.W. Gifford, Esc. ; A. K. Banks, W., and Z. Presnell, S. George W. Dyer succeeded Mr. Gallup in 1887. About the same time too was formed New Hope Lodge No. 140, I. O. G. T. on March 2, 1887, at the Methodist Episcopal Church, with the following officials: Mr. Shugan, C. T.; Mrs. W. R. Kirk, V. T.; D. V. Thrift, chaplain; John Beatty, Sec.; C. P. Robinson, Fin. Sec.; Cora Groat, Treas.; E. Silliman, marshal, and others-in all twenty-two charter members. They have increased in numbers to seventy, and are in a prosperous condition. They use the Odd Fellows' hall. Their successive chief templars

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