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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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They began using T. J. Adamson's hall in the building then standing on the corner west of Dr. Hoag's present residence. It is unfortunate that their records have been destroyed. A Chapter was organized February 28, 1881, with nine charter members and these officers: S. F. Balliet, H. P.; James Hawthorn, K.; W. D. Lucas, scribe. They now have seventy-eight members. Mr. Balliet has been succeeded as high priest by Jay A. King and L. T. Weld, the present incumbent.

Central Iowa Lodge No. 104, I. O. O. F., was instituted a few months later on October 15, 1857, by D. G. M., Samuel Noel, at Nevada. The charter members were S. S. Statler, N. G.; James Hawthorn, S. S. Webb, R. J. Dunning and J. S. Blickensdiffer. In 1859 they united with the Masons in securing a hall on Linn Street. This was used until December, 1880, when it was burned with a loss to the lodge of over $1,000. They then used the A. O. U. W. hall, Ringheim's and Bamberger's, until December, 1877, when their fine brick block on Linn Street was completed-a two-story one, 27x80 feet. Their representatives to Grand Lodge have been J. S. Blickensdiffer, J. R. Hays, D. E. McKim. They have fifty-three members. Their Nevada Encampment No. 94 was organized February 1, 1877, by J. G. Weatherby, with charter members S. S. Statler, C. F. Edwards, D. S. Snyder, J. R. Hays, W. F. Vinson, J. M. Gates and D. E. McKim, whom together with F. D. Thompson constituted the officers. They now have thirty-five members.

The next lodge was organized May 2, 1877, by Deputy Grand Master Kerns. It was Nevada Lodge No. 115, A. O. U. W., and its first officers were: J. R. McDonald, P. M. W.; D. E. McKim, M. W. ; J. F. Gillespie, G. F.; A. C. Sheldon, O. ; H. D. Ballard, recorder; M. L. Kahn, financier; O. B. Alderman, receiver; George E. Smith, G. ; J. Kirkendall, I. W.; William Hansell, O. W. Their first rooms were in the second story of the old court-house, afterward in the Bamberger Block and finally in the new Odd Fellows' temple. Their membership has been as high as seventy, but now enrolls not more than twenty-five. Their payments have reached $10,000. Their successive master workmen have been A. C. Sheldon (1877), George E. Smith and D. W. Ballard (1878), I. L. Smith and D. L. Stevens (1879), L. Irwin and H. L. Swofford (1880), John Kirkendall and P. W. Farrar (1881), J. F. Gillespie and H. H. Boyce (1882), O. B. Alderman and James. Hawthorn (1883), O. I. Spencer and P. D. Dale (1884), N. Simzer (1885), John Beatty (1886), A. C. Elliott (1887), John Kirkendall to the present. In September, 1877, following this organization, the Nevada W. C. T. U. was formed by Mrs. Aldrich, of Cedar Rapids, with Mrs. M. A. Allen, president, and eighteen members. The society existed for about six years and reached a membership of forty. They secured a Mr. Drew, who organized a blue ribbon club, and an effort was made to secure temperance instruction in the public schools. About the same time a Y. M. C. A. existed for a brief period. It was not until May 25, 1882, that the Knights of Pythias formed a society in Nevada. Its title is Samson Lodge No. 77, and the charter membership embraced: O. B. Alderman,V. C.; Frank S. Bishop, M. at A.; W. K. Boardman, A. D. Bishop, W. W. Stockwell, H. M. Funson, E. W. Gifford, K. of R. & S.; H. L. Swofford, M. of F. ;, I. L. Smith, Jay A. King, P. ; A. L. Thornblom P. C. ; Seth Humphrey, A. F. Wingert, J. A. Mills, C. G. McCarthy, C. C. ; N. Simzer, John A. Stone, S. F. Balliett, E. H. Monk, D. E. McKim, C. E. Hoag, J. A. Fitchpatrick, M. of E.; M. G. Rodearmel, H. C. Boardman, J. W. White and O. A. Lyssand.

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