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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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be surpassed by any town of similar size in the State.

Among those in business in 1871, just before the widening of Linn Street, were O. B. Dutton and T. Cree, bankers; I. A. Ringheim, W. S. Garrett, Liddle Bros., and James Hawthorn, general stores; John Schoonover, E. D. Fenn and C. Burdick furnished groceries; heavy hardware was handled by E. B. Potter and T. E. Alderman; O. Briggs and V. A. Ballou kept drugs, while John Dowling cut broadcloth to fit, and footwear could be found with D. S. Snyder, J. A. Ross, G. Hutchinson, or O. G. Hegland. Mr. Ruefly was jeweler. Travelers found a home with O. B. Dutton, T. J. Bartlett and Mr. Blackman. Attorneys flourished in the persons of F. D. Thompson, J. S. Frazier, Morris L. Wheat, J. L. Dana, S. F. Balliett, J. R. Gage, L. Irwin, S. L. Calvert and George A. Kellogg, and the sick were cared for by Drs. A. Patton, P. Cook, A. C. Shelldon and George Stitzell. In the furniture line were John Barr, W. H. Harmon and Aumoth & Company, and Wakeman & Linkfield made wagons, while the anvil rang under the strokes of William Gates, J. Q. Leffingwell, D. L. Beach and J. Schermerhorn. C. Heald & Co. were foundrymen. C. C. McManus and " Old Sol " took photographs. Miss Mary A. Bamberger and Mrs. Sanders were milliners. The firms interested in real estate were McCall & Thompson, Ross & Irwin, Davis & Allen and J. A. Fitchpatrick. Farmers bought machinery of J. R. McDonald & Co., J. C. Mitchell and A. E. Aumoth. Bunker & Wood and Becktil & Thompson were butchers, while livery barns were owned by George Childs and George W. Hall. The elevator and steam flouring-mills belonged to J. H. Talbot, and lumber was handled by S. H. Templeton and Letson & Lockridge. Those who wanted painting done called on Davis & Coe, J. O. Elwell, W. Templeton or P. Hopkins, while P. O. Fenn and Burdick & Leonard burned them brick, or their houses were built by I. W. King, W. K. Smith, J. G. Tanner, Frank Bobo, C. P. Robinson, Mr. Hoel, or J. C. Burkhart. " Warm meals at all hours " was the sign of William Killen, and Mr. Yeagge advertised a " Temperance Billiard Saloon." The railway and telegraph agents were W. C. Bowers and S. Shaffer. These were the days of William H. Gallup's editorship of The Representative, the only paper of the place. These compare well with the solitary log cabin, of a score of years before, which contained the entire population and business within its walls.

A score more years has passed since the seventies began, and this has been the period of development, in which wood has given place to brick, the temporary removed for the permanent, and an enterprising improvement and cultivation evinced in all lines. Not only this, but its business firms have increased in number and extent, and become distinctly classified --an element most indicative of growth. There are several very strong lines of business that are difficult to distinguish in relative importance. There is no doubt that the egg, butter and poultry business leads; following this it would be difficult to decide between general merchandise and the brick and tile interests ; the shipment of hogs, cattle and horses would, no doubt, come next; although banking, grain dealing, lumber, real estate and loans, approach it in importance from one point of view. Furniture, harness, market gardening and agricultural implements might come next, with similar difficulty in deciding between them. Foundry, blackSmithing and milling cut a smaller figure. There are many other lines of business, but they are matters of course, and naturally depend on the above.

In manufactures the first movement was made

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