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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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mer it was disbanded, and returned home. Capt. Cadwalader was made chaplain of the regiment, and his subordinate officers promoted, when Vincent Tomlinson became second lieutenant of Company K. Quartermaster T. C. McCall was promoted captain and acting quartermaster in March, 1864. Among the dead the following were Story men: N. A. Mount, O. Egland, E. Modlin, F. M. Anderson, W. C. Ballard, D. J. Bloys, F. S. Daniels, H. Elliason, Peter Egland, H. B. Henryson, E. Hefley, J. R. Hand, W. L. Lemmon, W. Pierce, C. M. Sellers, J. Sorter, N. A. Tichenor and John S. Wood.

Other regiments containing a less number of Story County men made records that rival those of the above regiments, and other men deserve mention; it is always embarrassing to select from the rich list of examples of bravery and valor in a State of such soldier fame as Iowa: It is an honor to be simply known as an Iowa veteran.

Among other of Story County's dead are the following: William Crum and William Tanner, Company A, Tenth Infantry; B. F. Craig and H. Howard, Company D, Tenth Infantry; S. Kelley, Company K, Tenth Infantry ; R. D. Casebolt, J. T. Mount, S. D. Allen, Company E, Thirteenth Infantry ; S. W. Jenks, J. J. Aldredge, Thomas Snelling, John T. Shumaker, H. Spangler, J. L. Martin, George Lowell and Z. F. Martin, Company G, Fourteenth Infantry ; E. Elliott, Company B, Fifteenth Infantry; H. Hunt, Company I, Nineteenth Infantry (died in prison in Tyler, Texas) ; D. C. Vail, Company G, Fourteenth Infantry (also died at same place) ; M. D. Cong, F. Lowell and D. Womack, Company B, Thirty-ninth Infantry; Thomas Fatland, Company F, Forty-seventh Infantry ; William Keltner, Company G, Seventh Cavalry ; A. G. Briley and S. P. Shaw, Company I, Eighth Cavalry ; W. C. Evans, Company H, Ninth Cavalry; and Lieut. Jason D. Ferguson, Twelfth Infantry, killed at Shiloh.

A quarter of a century has passed, and the veterans are old men; their numbers are grow ing less year by year, and the few remaining are loved and prized the more. Their organization into local posts of the Grand Army of the Republic gives the younger generation a tangible form to which they can give general honor; while to the old soldier himself it furnishes a nucleus for his war memories to gather pleasantly about, and affords many an occasion by which he can instill and invigorate a healthy patriotism into the young manhood of Story County, to whom the bitter war is only a story that is told and listened to, but by no means realized.

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