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1890 Biographical and Historical Memoirs of Story County, Iowa

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cabin in Nevada for his family. It was on the southeast corner of Chestnut and Fourth Streets. To this he removed the county archives. It was built of logs, "chinked and daubed," and afforded many convenient crevices for the safe keeping of records and memoranda. The office of county judge remained in this residence until a frame court-house was erected in 1856, on the northeast corner of the same block, at the southwest corner of Main and Fourth Streets.

John Zenor, who was elected recorder and treasurer, April 4, 1853, maintained his office at his residence on the southwest quarter of Section 18, in Franklin Township. His first official act appears to have been the placing on record of an exchange of lands by Frederic Echerd, of Story County, and E. H. French, of McLean County, Ill. This was done August 15, 1853. The second was recording the transfer of the site of the county seat by J. W. Morris and wife to the county judge, August 26, 1853. He also in the same month recorded the last will and testament of Zeno Pearson, of Story County. The witnesses to this document were George N. Kirkman and Robert Malott.

Reuben James Zenor appears as deputy recorder, August 15, 1854. He paid taxes on lands, and probably lived in Section 31, of Franklin Township. He was succeeded by Thomas J. Adamson, December 12, 1854, who probably transacted the business of his office at his house or store in Nevada. James C. Moss was elected recorder and treasurer in August, 1855. His first official act was of September 1, 1855. He occupied as an office a small frame building which stood on the south side of First Street, facing the open square, now the park. The building was about 12x14 feet in size, and was no doubt the first one ever occupied in the county exclusively for public uses. The offices of the clerk, sheriff, surveyor and minor positions, not being encumbered with records of the past, were readily kept wherever the person of the officer might be.

The first financial business of the county with the State treasurer is proven by the receipt of that officer for the sum of $35.40, being the full amount of State taxes paid in for the two years ending October 31, 1854.

The administrative and executive officers of the county at the date of its organization were those of county judge, recorder and treasurer (held by the same person), clerk of the courts, sheriff, surveyor, coroner, county attorney and school fund commissioner. The county judge had powers and duties such as are now performed by the county auditor and the board of supervisors. He represented the interests of the county in nearly all matters, and kept a record of his proceedings. The school fund commissioner had the power and duties in relation to school lands and school moneys that are now exercised by the county auditor. The duties of clerk, sheriff, coroner, surveyor and county attorney were similar to those of the same officers at this time.

The various offices have been filled as follows:

County judges: Evan C. Evans, 1853-57; George A. Kellogg, 1858-59; Evan C. Evans, 1860-65; R. H. Mitchell, 1866-69. Office abolished and duties transferred.

Recorders and treasurers: John Zenor, 1853-54; Thomas J. Adamson, 1855; James C. Moss, 1856; William Lockridge, 1857-59; Thomas J. Ross, 1860-65. In 1864 the duties of this officer were separated, and thenceforth different persons performed them.

County treasurers: T. C. Davis, 1866-69;E. G. Day, 1870-71; S. S. Statler, 1874-75; Jay A. King, 1876-81; J. A. Mills, 1882-90.

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