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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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R'y, the rebuilt and enlarged American House, and two fine dwellings by Messrs. Eshe and Larson. In the farming community large and commodious barns have been built by Jens Flatibo, J. W. PALMER and James Leedwig.

The total improvements in Franklin foot up $15,000; one-half of this amount was expended in Gilbert Station. Of the whole expenditure nearly two-thirds were put into town and country residences. This fact indicates a prosperous community.

The building improvements in Milford. so far as we have been able to ascertain. are a $2,000 barn by Ole Christian, and additions to dwellings amounting to $1,000. These figures will no doubt be much enlarged by a supplemental estimate.

We have not been able to get returns from Richland, but look for an estimate next week.

The building improvements in Sherman consist of two houses and several barns, and some additions to houses and barns, and amount in all to about $5,000.

The 1882 improvements in Washington, including the buildings in Ames and on the college grounds foot up at least $50,000. This outlay speaks well for the Washingtonians.

Grant puts $13,500 into a good class of buildings, six of which cost about $1,000 each. A $900 school-house is numbered among them. One building cost $3,000.

The building improvements of Nevada, city and township, including the city hall, addition to the school building and the new blocks of Boardman Bros., and of White & Bamberger will not foot up much less, if any, than $40,000. This record, made so soon after the extended improvements in the wake of the fire of 1880, and which in reality were not completed until the present year, is one with which our city and township may well be gratified.

New Albany has sent in no estimate. We hope to get a report in time for our next issue.

The building operations in Palestine during the year have not been extensive, only one new house being reported. There are doubtless other improvements not noted. It will be safe to value the whole at one or two thousand dollars.

The building improvements of Union township have been ,quite marked, especially in the line of business houses. By including the improvements which were begun during the last two or three months of 1881 with those wholy belonging to the present year. The total expenditures amount to about $75,000. Of this amount $65,000 have been put into business houses, an elevator and the railroad buildings. The other $10,000 has been appropriated to the erection of new residences or the repairing of old ones. This is a noble record, especially in view of the fact that the said improvements are confined almost wholly to the town of Cambridge. The township improvements would probably swell the amount to $80,000.

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