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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Total loss.Insured
Goldsberry$2.500.00$ 700.00
McCall & Thompson500.00
D. D. Briggs1,000.001,000.00
Otis Briggs2,700.00

(January 25, 1882.)


No. 27,432, asks for bids to carry the mail between Nevada and Maxwell, thirteen miles, three times a week and back, leaving Maxwell, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and Nevada on Mondays, Wednesdays amd Fridays. Bond required with bid, $400. Proposals will be received at the contract office until January 3, 1883, and decision to be rendered March third, award by May nineteenth and service to commence in July.

The above mail ceased to be carried January 1, 1887, any further than from Maxwell to Iowa Center and back three times a week; but about July 1, 1887, it will be carried through, as at first, from Maxwell to Nevada three times a week and back.—(November 17, 1882.)


The occurrence of President ARTHUR's birthday, last Friday, suggests a glance at the ages of the other twenty Presidents. Death has made four Presidents, John Tyler, in 1841, when he was fiftyone; Millard Fillmore, in 1850, when he was fifty; Andrew Johnson, in 1865, when he was fifty-seven and Chester A. ARTHUR in 1881, when he was fifty-one. Of the four Presidents who have died in office, Garfield was the youngest when inaugurated, being but fifty; Harrison died a month after his inauguration in 1841, at sixty-eight; General Taylor sixteen months after his inauguration in 1849, at sixty-six; and Lincoln four years and a little more than a month after his first inauguration in 1861, at fifty-six. It is interesting to notice that while Lincoln and Garfield died tragic deaths, President Harrison's death was the result of a cold he caught while going to market, and General Taylor's the result of eating cherries and drinking cold milk, after setting in the hot sun an hour during the Fourth of July exercises at the Washington monument.

Washington was fifty-eight when first inaugurated in this city, ninety-three years ago; John Adams, the first college-bred President, was sixty-one when inaugurated; Thomas Jefferson, who was

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