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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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and how many were engaged in the murderous act, renders the progress of the Grand Jury very slow. We can only hope, however, that their efforts will be successful, and that a punishment equal to the enormity of the crime committed will overtake the villains.—May 21, 1875.

The Coroner's jury, after spending a week in taking testimony and examining some seventy-five witnesses, believed that there was sufficient grounds for the apprehension of Geo. E. Woodman, Lenford Fisher, Wm. E. Parr, Daniel Kirkman and John McLaughlin, and in accordance therewith they were arrested on Sunday and Monday last and are now lying in jail awaiting the action of the Grand Jury. The following short sketch of the parties under arrest we take from the last Watchman:

Woodman is a farmer by occupation, has lived the past seven years in Washington township, Polk County, and within one mile of the place where Kirkman was hung. He was born in New Hampshire, has lived in Illinois, been to California six times and has seen considerable of frontier life. He is in good circumstances, having a large farm well stocked and out of debt. The following is a correct description of Mr. Woodman: He is forty-seven years of age, five feet five inches in height, square built, sandy hair and whiskers which are sprinkled with gray, florid complexion, gray eyes and is a good talker. Mr. Woodman says that all he wishes is a fair and impartial trial, and he has no fear but what he can establish his innocence.

Lenford Fisher is a son-in-law of the murdered man, lives in Washington Township Polk County, and within six miles of the Kirkman residence, has been in the State six years and a farmer by occupation. He was raised in Ohio, is twenty-six years old, five feet eight inches in height, spare built, hair and whiskers light brown, gray eyes and a fair complexion. Mr. Fisher, like Mr. Woodman, is sanguine of establishing his innocence when the time of his trial comes.

Wm. E. Parr is an Englishman by birth, has been in this county five years, lived in Peoria City, Polk County, during that time, working at the business of blacksmithing. Parr is twentyeight years old, five feet six inches in height, square built, dark hair and eyes, and a fair complexion.

Daniel Kirkman is a son of the murdered man. He is twenty-one years old, was born in Story County on the farm where the murder was committed. He is five feet six inches high, brown hair and eyes and fair complexion.

John McLaughlin is an Irishmam by birth, twenty-four years old, five feet eleven inches high, brown hair and eyes, has lived in Polk County the past eleven years and worked for Kirkman some three years of that time.—(1875.)

The day following the arrest of the above, Mrs. Kirkman was also arrested as being accessory to the crime, and is now in the custody of the law, at the residence of Mr. D. H. McCORD. We

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