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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Page 483 of 493
Nevada Postmasters, List of123
Nevada Foundry—a valuable enterprize98
Nevada Named "Nevada," and Why9
Nevada City Property Valued136
Nevada Normal Institute, 1886,—Teachers' names160, 162
Nevada Illuminated by Lamps214
New Albany, Town of—When laid off and where207
New County Map95, 96
New Philadelphia—When and where laid off235
Nicknames of States and Cities373, 375
Now and Then334, 342, 377
New Albany Township Stockmen and Others209
Nevada Township, Stockmen and Others 222
New Buildings in Ames441
New Churches going up at Ames441
Nevada Schools, History of 446
Nevada Well, a valuable well451


Odd Fellows—First organization48
Old Settlers (in verse)356
Old Settlers, List of—861357, 366
Organization of M. E. Church at Nevada43
Ontario—Fire and Theft192, 193
Oldest Known in Iowa, (J. Heike)126
Odd Fellows Hall, new at Nevada442


Prohibition Passed by Iowa Legislature311
Press of the County—All401403
Pike's Peak Excitement26, 27
Population, etc., from 1852 to 188712, 13
Propositions for Agricultural Farm Location31
Protective Association, Mutual85, 86
Parker, Wm.—The early settler37, 38, 39
Payne, W. P.—First Principal Nevada School29
Prevalence of Fires135
Pattee, H.—Killed himself300
(Postmasters of the County are given in the Township History in which the office is situated.)
Post—offices Vacated or Moved378
Polk County Supervisors Appropriated, etc139
Pension List111, 114
Poultry Business of County, Wonderful134
Peter Baker on Temperance303
Population of County—1854, 1860, 1870, 1880, 188612, 13
Prohibition or Temperance Chapter301, 313
Presidents of the United States404
Prohibitory Amendment Vote313, 355, 378
Peat in Story County369
Presidential Elections—Who were elected and who voted for370
Patent Poultry Freezing Machine at Boardman's101
Presidential Post—offices in County377
Palestine Township, Stockmen and Others252
Poor Farm and other Property—valued298
Presbytery on Liquor at Waterloo309
Presidential Temperance Organization302
Press of County401


Questions Voted on by Country353, 356
Quarries, Stone, and Where They Are389
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