Sheriff of Story County to B. L. Palmatier, lot 6 in nw 11, 83, 24, sd, | 408 |
Iowa Construction Co. to John Boston, lot 12, blk 9, McCallsburg, wd, | 50 |
Treasurer of Story Co. to E. J. Bantz, pt se 29, 85, 22, td. | |
E. N. Thompson to New England Loan & Trust Co., lots 8 and 9 and s 1/2 lot 5, blk 3, Mills add, Nevada, wd, | 600 |
New England Loan & Trust Co. to Rebecca Orwig, lots 8 and 9 and s 1/2 lot 5, blk 3, Mills add, Nevada, wd, | 600 |
Sheriff of Story County to Shields & Cook, lot 21, blk 4 and lot 8, blk 2, Kelley, and pt ne 5, 82, 2, 4, sd, | 2,400 |
In Construction Co. to G. F. Dawson, lot 8, blk 5, McCallsburg, wd, | 20 |
Elbridge Chandler et al. to John Book, pt w j ne 34, 82, 23, qc, | 100 |
United States to Vier Vick, n 1/2 se and sw ne 29, 82, 23, pat. | |
Alonza B. HAGUE to Wm. Hansell, pt lot 4 in sw se 6, 83, 22, wd, | 1,300 |
JULY 5, 1886.
E. M. Ellingson to Marie B. Jacobs, lot 6, blk 4, Story City, wd, | 1,250 |
b. J. Vinge to C. E. Hoag, lots 1 and 4, blk 41, Nevada, wd, | 500 |
John Cornwall to J. P. Coggshall, e 1/2 ne 31, 83, 22, wd, | 2,000 |
J. G. Allen et al. to S. D. Booker, e 1/2 sw 29, 83, 22, wd, | 850 |
Frank M. Evans to Thos. McGoodin, e 1/4 w 1/2 se nw 24, 84, wd, | 50 |
L. D. Thompson to O. W . Wilson, ne nw and nw ne 36, 83, 23, wd, | 1,800 |
Dim mit Baker to A. Ashford, pt sw se sw 6, 83, 23, wd, | 675 |
J. J. Severson to John W. Johnson, sw se 32, 82, 23, wd, | 1,200 |
Oley Nelson to Heine Johnson, n 1/2 ne 8, 82, 24, wd, | 1,050 |
Jacob G. Stram to J. V. Kalsem, pt ne sw 13, 82, 24, wd, | 1,050 |
Peter Anderson to Thor. Erickson, nw ne 24, 85, 24, wd, | 1,000 |
Sheriff of Story County to Morris Mason, n 1/2 sw 27 and and n I se 28, 82, 23, | 1,405 |
J. S. Scott to E. F. Scott, nw 4, 82, 23, wd, | 2,000 |
Milwaukee Land Co. to Albert Jones, lots 9 and 10, blk 8, Collins, wd, | 86 |
JULY 12, 1886.
D. C. Sullivan to Shields & Cook, pt e 1/2 se and nw se 32, 83, 24, wd, | 3,720 |
Harriet Porter to J. J. Keigley, pt sw sw 4, 83, 24, qc, | 1 |
Ezra J. Bantz to McAllen, se 29, 85, 22, qc, | 20 |
N. J. Converse to A. L. Mead, s 1/2 e 1/2 sw 27, 83, 21, wd, | 300 |
J. L. Stephens to Sarah J. Beverly, e 1/2 sw and se sw 16, 84, 24, wd, | 3,000 |
Geo. M. Barnes to C. Blackman, lot 6, blk 30, Nevada, wd, | 700 |
Milwaukee Land Co. to A. E. Nass, lot 1, blk 3, Huxley, wd, | 86 |