hard times mean. If my effort should seem a failure in the History of the County in making it of general interest to the citizen, it will not be for want of close attentionuntiring attentiondevoted to its accuracy. Of course there may be some errors:
J. E. Duncan, Editor Ames Intelligencer; L. R. Shepherd, Editor Maxwell Tribune; Chas. D. Parks, Editor Cambridge Herald; Rev. Isaiah Reid, Editor Highway; W, P. Payne & Son, Editors Nevada Representative; V. A. Ballou, Editor Watchman; Anfen Ersland. R. W. Ballard, Hon. John L. Dana, Hon. T. C. McCall, Col. John Scott, who kindly allowed the use of his Cent. Address; S. I. Shearer, Benj. R. Shenkle, C. E. Campbell, Postmaster at Collins; E. B. Carver, Colo; W. H. Grafton, M. D.; Robt. Richardson, J. N. Scott, Sheldahl; John Johnson, Huxley; Capt. W. A. Wier, Story City; John H. Cook, Gilbert; Wm. Arrasmith, Jesse R. Wood, David F. Sbope, H. O. Ayers, H. C. French, Ira Briley, R. Jones, H. C. Foster, T. B. Howland, J. F. Brown, W. S. Johnson, J. H. Keigley, Wesley Arrasmith, J. Evanson, J. Q. Burgess, Freeman Elliott, Benton Corrington, Hon. Geo. M. Maxwell, Jas. B. Green, Postmaster Cambridge; A. G. Person, O. B. Ingalls, Station Agent, Nevada; Z. Shugart, Ins. Agent; C. G. McCarthy, Auditor of County; H. F. Ferguson, Rev. W. A. Welker, Colo; Erick Erickson, Roland; Thos. M. Gossard, John McCain, T. E. Alderman, Maj. Jas. Hawthorn, Guilford Mullen, Daniel McCarthy, Rev. A. E. Mosher, Story City; Frank Curtiss, Nevada; J. S. McCoy, Postmaster, Kelley; Ole O. Roe, County Superintendent of Schools; M. J. Smith, Recorder, Ames; W. H. Fitchpatrick, Ames: A. J. Graves, Ames; L. Q. Hoggatt, Ames; J. A. Fitchpatrick, Nevada; Henry Funk, Iowa Center; Judiah Ray, Nevada; Geo. W. Sowers, H. E. Carpenter, Station Agent, Roland; John L. Scott, Roland; W. F. Lewis, McCallsburg; Patrick McLain, McCallsburg; J. W. Maxwell, Maxwell; S. M. White, Nevada; Rev. Holter, Roland.
The following is a statement of the transfers of property in this county, as shown by the deeds deposited for record during the week ending February 5, 1859:
Wm. Whitney to Henry McCarthy, 80 acres in 3, 83, 24, | $ 400 |
Also, 160 acres in 4, 83, 24, | 600 |
Ira Cook to B. F. ALLEN, 120 acres in 30, 82, 22, | 210 |
Charles S. Hamilton to James Nickerson, 160 acres in 4, 84, 21, | 600 |
Henry Lewis to Thomas Talburt, 80 acres in 28, 82, 21, | 800 |
E. B. Craig to N. B. Riddle, 7 1/2 acres in 35, 84, 21, | 95 |
Sheriff to Robert Robison, 25 acres in 35, 84, 24, | 109 |
Sheriff to E. B. Craig, 15 acres in 35, 84, 24, | 58 |
John Scott to Nicholas Francis, lot 7 in blk A, Scott's add to Nevada, | 50 |