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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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There were other projections and bodies of timber that might have been named "Groves," as well as some that were named. When looking on the County map you will find these groves as above named. A great deal of our large native timber that this County once had is now missing, and on the same lands in many places a valuable young growth is growing up. Our prairies are at this time being beautifully and profitably dotted over with many, many, artificial groves which, by the way, are not only beautiful but are very useful in many particulars.


There was a quarry years ago about thirty rods southeast from the west quarter section corner of section 4, township 83, range 24, Washington Township.

Franklin Township is the best township for quarries. There is a good one on the west side of Skunk River on the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13, township 84, range 24.

Quarries are found on sections 23, 25 and 26. There is a pretty good one about eighty rods east of the west quarter corner of section 23. Near the center of the northeast quarter section 26, and elsewhere in sections 23 and 26, township 84, range 24, quarries are found. It is thought there is a very good one on the southeast quarter of section 26, owned by Pressly R. CRAIG.

It is understood there is a quarry on the east half of section *32, or the west half of section 33, probably in the northwest quarter of section 33, township 84, range 24, is more definite.

In Milford Township there is one or more quarries in sections 6 and 7. At or near the north quarter corner of section 7 (and at Soper's Mill) there is rock, and up the river sixty or one hundred rods north or northeasterly from the mill is the Sowers quarry; or it may be about 100 rods northwesterly from the Pleasant Grove church.

We find also a fair quality of rock in sections 28 and 32 on Bear Creek in Howard Township.

On the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 13, township 85, range 22, there were many years ago many large and beautiful white lime rocks which made a singular and delightful appearance. Twenty-five years ago they were visible for miles; but time and other mishaps may have robbed this lovely spot of much of its beauty. This beautiful group was miles from timber.


*The Iowa Agricultural College owns one acre of stone quarry in the southwest part of the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 32, township 84, range 24, and it has the appearance of an excellent quarry.

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