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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Queen City—A popular name given Cincinnati; so called when it was the commercial city of the West.

Queen City of the Lakes—A name sometimes given to the city of Buffalo, New York, from its position and importance.


Pyramids of Egypt.

Hanging Gardens of Babylon, Tower, Walls and Terrace.

Statue of Jupiter Olympus, on the Capitoline Hill, at Rome.

Temple of Diana at Ephesus.

Pharos, or Watch Tower, at Alexandria, Egypt.

Colossus of Rhodes, a statue 105 feet high, overthrown by an earthquake, 224 B. C.

Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, a Grecian-Persian city in Asia Minor.


About the year 1860, the College Farm House site was fixed by Mr. Suel Foster. of Muscatine County, and Daniel McCarthy, of Story County. Mr. Foster was one of the locating Trustees and had desired to meet Mr. E. G. Day, also a locating Trustee, on the Farm so they could select the site for the Farm House and the barn. Mr. Hay did not appear. Mr. McCarthy. I believe, had a compass and met with Mr. Foster, and they scared up a surveyor's chain or tape line and went to work fixing the site for the house. It became the arduous duty of Esq. Daniel to drive the first stake on the Farm, looking to its improvement.

I was acquainted, somewhat, with the surveyor who gave the bearings for the foundation wall of the College building. Also am acquainted with the surveyor who fixed and recorded the corners of the harm by request of Hon. H. M. Thompson, of Scott County, superintendent of the Farm.

Mr. McCarthy is one of those who aided the Farm location by donating seventy-five dollars for that purpose. He was far from being alone in the donations. (There were lots of us in that boat.)

The County gave $10,000; citizens of Boone and Story counties gave in money and subscriptions $5,340; the citizens of the two counties gave 981 acres of land, deeded and bonds, making, at five dollars per acre, $1,905. The total loomed up to $2O.245. This was surely liberal. Boone shares with us in this liberality. Hon. John A. Hull, Hon. J. L. Dana, Mr. W. J. GRAHAM, Hon. G. M. Maxwell and others were active and energetic workers. Dana was, perhaps, the most energetic except GRAHAM.

About the time Squire Daniel McCarthy secured the honor of driving that "first stake on the Farm," Mr. Foster secured the honor of beating the mail hack to Nevada, from Des Moines—both

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