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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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31, township 85, range 21, W. J. Lightfoot has a fine farm and good buildings. His house is a nice one and a half story house, and the picture of neatness though plain in its appearance. It is class 2. The new barn just finished will class 2. It is 26 by 52, and 16 feet posts. It rests on a good stone foundation, but has no basement. Covers 1,352 square feet of ground.

In the southwest quarter of section 21, township 85, range 21, a barn just being finished is owned by M. Koch. It is 36 by 50, and 14 feet posts. Not so large as some, but seemed to have heavy timbers for the frame. It covers 1,800 feet of ground, and is class 2.

David Smay, in and near the northeast corner of section 24, township 84, range 22, (Richland Township,) has a good premises and stock shelter. His dwelling is about class 3, and his barn—new barn—is good but not large. Is 30 by 32 feet and 16 foot posts. Rests on a rock foundation. Is about class 3.

The "Evangelical Lutheran Church," of Johnson's Grove, was organized in February, 1865, by the Rev. J. G. Beckly. The church building stands on the southeast of the southwest quarter of section 24, township S4, range 22, and was built in 1880.

The M. E. Church, called Oak Hill M. E. Church, is on the northwest of the northeast quarter of section 13, township 84, range 22, and was built in 1885, and has a membership of thirty-seven.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church, first above named has forty-four members.

They are both comfortable looking buildings and speak well of the moral enterprize of the citizens.

No town nor post-office in Richland Township; but once there was a post-office and Wm. M. KELLEY was post-master. It is noticed elsewhere.

Wm. Handsacher, on section 22, township 84, range 22, has one of the handsome dwelling houses and is class one. His barn, from outward appearance, is a good one. Will deals lively in hogs and making money.

From the outside appearance of the barn and dwelling of Geo. Hyden, they are fair buildings. George is next east from Handsacher's.

J. Cook, in the southwest corner of section 22, and west of Handsacher's, has a dwelling that has the appearance of comfort. It is class two.

In classifying, class one is of first quality; class two, is second; class three, is third; class four, is fourth, and so on. A class 4 house or barn is of ordinary quality. Many come in under 5 and 6 in classifying and but few such are noticed or described.

By returning to Lincoln Township we find C. N. Thatcher, near Zearing, has one of the valuable barns, and for plans and arrangement, as I understand, will be among the good ones.

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