Grocers—A. H. McNall.
Postmaster—D. M. Ruth.
Livery and Feed Stable—Urias Myers, proprietor.
Furniture, Etc.—S. E. Cooper & Co.
Meat Market—Finn & Schroeder.
Grain and Sock Dealers—T. B. Schmetzer; W. G. Dickey.
Clothing, Hats, Caps. Etc.—Geo. Sheldon.
Lumber Dealers—John O. FRENCH.
Elevators—One by steam power; one by horse power.
Farm Implements—A. C. Cole; Bush Bros.; Bagwill & Co.
Jeweler, Books, Etc.—Geo. Benedict.
City Restaurant—C. D. Schroeder.
Blacksmithing—Henry Trefz.
Loans, Abstracts, Etc.—Smith & Son, Nevada.
Printing Office—Maxwell Tribune, L. R. Shepherd, editor.
Mayor—S. T. Goodman.
Cemetery—New cemetery, nine graves; cemetery in Maxwell, sixty-five graves; total dead, seventy-four.
Station Agent—F. A. Jackson.
City Officers—C. W. Allen, mayor; O. Ostrem, recorder.
Postmaster—M. Swartout.
Printing Office—The Story City Review, H. C. Carlson, editor.
Lodges—Good Templars, thirty-five members.
Flouring Mill—John Swan.
Churches—Lutheran, said to have 600 members; Evangelical Lutheran, 150 members.
Physicians—B. F. Allen, M. D.; C. W. Allen, M. D.; J. Emmet, M. D.
Attorneys at Law—L. J. Tjernagel.
Notary Public—W. A. Wier.
Jewelers—P. Robertson.
Dry Goods—P. Mathre; S. R. Corneliussen & S. Larson.
Hardware—Boyd & Henryson.
Grocers—ohnson & Grove; P. Mathre.
Butter and Eggs—M. A. Tendeland.
Druggists—Allen & Dale.
Furniture, Etc.—Jondall & Bracke.
Agricultural Implements and Blacksmithing—H. I. Overland.
Citizens Bank—John Swan, president; W. W. Allen, cashier.
Photographer—A. N. Thorp.
Lumber and Grain—Butler & Moltse.
Meat Market—M. B. Jacobs, proprietor.
Wagon Makers—D. Johnson; J. Blakeslee.
Livery Stable—James Dodds.
Harness Shop—Holm Bros.