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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Masonic—Tabernacle Lodge No. 452, A. F. & A. M.; A. S. Aplin, W. M.; James Shafer, secretary.

Workingmen—Cambridge Lodge No. 232, A. O. U. W.; J. S. Kies, M. W.; A. W. Bartlett, recorder.

W. R. C.—Woman's Relief Corps No. 35; Mrs. M. Jory, president; Miss Kate Cook, secretary; fifteen members.

Creamery—Boardman Brothers.

Carpenters and Builders—Gid Jay Wire.

Professional Cards—J. M. Brown, M. D.; W. H. Grafton, M. D.; A. S. Aplin, M. D; C. E. Hoag, dentist, Nevada.

Attorneys—Funson & Gifford, Nevada; M. M. Keller.

City Barbers—C. A. Hoffman.

Drayman—A. P. Cronk.

Millinery—Mrs. E. J. Chandler.

Harness, Collar, Etc.—Fred Carelins; E. V. Smith; Chas. Cook.

Citizens' Bank—W. H. Gallup; M. M. Keller.

Dry Goods, Etc.—Geo. M. Maxwell & Co.; O. M. Johnson & Co.

Agricultural Implements—B. O. Fatland; Henry Cronk.

Hard ware—Bullard Brothers.

Dealers in Furniture—Henry Fatland.

Livery and Feed Stable—D. A. Tooker; Chas. Cook.

Sewing Machines—M. D. LIVINGSTON & Son.

Printing Office—The Cambridge Herald; Chas. D. Parks, editor; "The Garland"; Dr. j. M. Brown, editor.

Druggists—Dr. W. H. Grafton.


Churches, Etc.—-M. E. Church, Rev. W. H. H. Smith, Pastor; eighty-five; Wilson Mills, superintendent Sunday School; Evangelical Association, Rev. T. M. Evans, pastor; Cumberland Presbyterian, Rev. Furguson, pastor, service in the M. E. Church, thirty-five to fifty members.

Lodges—Herald Lodge, No. 455, A. F. & A. M., C. Dickey, secretary, J. W. Maxwell, W. M., fifty-five members; Social Lodge, No. 463, I. O. O. F., S. E. Cooper, secretary, J. P. Wells, N. K, fifty-two members; Maxwell Lodge, No. 17, I. O. G. T., Daisy Dickey, secretary, J. W. Dickinson, W. C. T., forty members; J. H. Ewing Post, G. A. R., Jesse R. Wood, commander, C. M. M. Morse, adjutant, forty-one members.

Dry Goods and General Merchandise—Maxwell & Baldwin; Dickey, Hill & Co.

Physicians, Etc.—S. T. Goodman, M. D.; P. Joor, M. D.; C. E. Hoag, Dentist.

Hotels—Maxwell House, J. Bowen, proprietor; Monitor House, G. Cook, proprietor.

Attorney at Law—W. H. Barnes.

Harness Shop—J. B. Magee.

Bank of Maxwell—H. A. Church, cashier.

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