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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Baptist, G. H. Starrling, pastor, 125 members; Congregational, E. C. Moulton, pastor, 150 members; United Brethren, church three and one-half miles south of Ames.

Masonic— Arcadia Lodge, No. 249, A. F. & A. Masons; M. C. Jones, W. M.; Cal. Giddings, secretary; eighty members.

United Workmen—Ames Lodge of A. O. U. W., No. 166; C. M. Soper, recorder; J. S. BROOKS, N. W.; twenty-five members.

G. A. R.—Ellsworth Post No. 30; J. E. Duncan, Adj.; T. J. Miller, commander; H. Wilson, Jr., Q. M., ninety-two members.

Professional Cards—M. J. Smith, attorney at law; George A. Underwood, attorney at law; Stevens & Hays, attorneys at law; Dan McCarthy, attorney at law; Smith & Turner, attorneys at law.

Physicians—R. M. Templeton; Geo. A. Meredith; C. A. Beverly; D. S. Fairchilds; E. B. Plumb; E. B. Cramblit, veterinary surgeon; Chas. E. Hunt, Dentist.

Real Estate Agents—T. C. McCall, of Nevada; H. L. Carrell, of Nevada.

Drayman—John Glidden.

Insurance Agents—C. M. Soper.

Barber—J. F. Kintzley.

Real Estate Agent—M. Hemstreet.

Union National Bank—W. M. Greeley, president; G. G. Tilden, vice president; E. R. Chamberlin, cashier.

Ames Flouring Mill—Haverly, Lanning & Co.

Fancy Groceries—Maxwell & Son; J. L. Bartlett.

Hardware Dealers—Bingham & Co.

Harness, Etc.—George McGinnis.

Farm Implements, Etc.—E. & E. J. Loughran.

Drugs, Books, Etc.—H. Westerman; Pickett & Co.

Livery and Feed Stable—G. H. Maxwell & Co.

Hotel—West House, Wm. West, proprietor.

Printing Office—Ames Intelligencer, J. E. Duncan, editor.

Civic Societies—I. O. G. T., seventy-eight members; W. C. T. U., thirty-three members; Sons of Veterans, fifty members; Band of Hope, 300 members; W. R. C.


City Officers—O. M. Johnson, mayor; Charles D. Parks, recorder.

Postmaster—James B. Green.

Station Agent—A. F. Mills.

Churches—M. E. Church, Rev. W. H. H. Smith, pastor, about fifty-eight members; Norwegian church.

Odd Fellows—Story Lodge No. 486, I. O. O. F., J. S. Kies, N. G.; A. W. Southwick, secretary.

G. A. R.—Ersland Post No. 234, G. A. R., P. H. Ream, commander; John Jory, Adj.

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