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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Municipal Officers—W. A. Miller, mayor; —— Lax, street commissioner; —— Hefley, treasurer; D. C. Adams, council; J. I. Hostetter, council.

Churches—M. E. Church, W. A. Welker, pastor, thirty members; M. P. Church; Catholic, Colo and Nevada, Rev. Murphy, pastor, 300 members; Evangelist, fourteen members; Church of God.

Civics—Sons of Veterans; G. A. R.—J. B. Steadman Post, No. 238, J. H. Shammo, commander, twenty-eight members; Women's Relief Corps, Mrs. Almira Hopkins, six members; Masonic, forty-five members.

Dry Goods—L. C. Adams & Co.; Ambrose & Cummings.

Hardware—J. W. Kinsell.

Postmaster and Grocer—J. R. McCoy.

Druggists—Lax & Hefley.

Lumber and Farm Machinery—P. W. Hopkins.

Blacksmiths—McCoy & Braker.

Wagon and Carriage Makers—Richardson & Thomas; John McQuillin.

Hotel—Colo House, by Bartlett.

Elevator—W. A. Miller.

Grain Shippers and Buyers—W. A. Miller; C. V. Norris.

Stock Shippers—Stewart & Hawley; L. M. Dayton.

Station Agent—Henry YAGER.


Postmaster—Mrs. Frank Higley.

Churches—Evangelists; M. E. Church.

Civics—I. O. G. Templars, fifty members.

Dry Goods—F. M. Baldwin & J. W. Maxwell; John Wills; John Brown & Son.

Grocers—Baldwin & Maxwell; John Wills; Brown & Son.

Blacksmith—John E. Fry. Flour Mill—John Q. Moore.

Physicians——M. D. Sheldon, M. D.; Frank Thompson, M. D.

Woodland Cemetery—Total number dead, 248.


Postmaster—J. S. McCoy.

Station Agent—S. S. Arnold.

Churches Congregationalist; Baptist, twenty—five members.

Tile Factory—C. S. Giddings; turns out 150,000 tile and 50,000 brick.

Elevator—Steam power.

Creamery—Boardman Bros.

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