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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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As Story County contains the State Agricultural College and Model Farm, some of the incidents connected with its location may be noted. The act of the General Assembly by which a model farm was directed to be purchased, and on which a College was to be erected, was passed in the early part of 1858. The sum of ten thousand dollars was appropriated with which to carry out its provisions. This action interested many of the then citizens of Story County, and they determined to secure the location if possible. To this end appeals were made through the Advocate, meetings were called, and Mr. E. G. Day, who was made one of the College board, endeavored to excite the people to definite action. In the Advocate of November 17, 1858, there appears a call for a meeting on Saturday, the 27th, but. as no notice of such a meeting appears, it probably was not held.

On November 30th, Mr. Day published a call for specimens of grains, seeds, minerals, stone for building, etc., probably to present to the board as an evidence of the fitness of the county for such a trust. On December 8th, there appeared another call for a public meeting, headed "Rouse Up," and making a strong appeal. Finally on December 15th, there was an urgent appeal, headed "Everybody turn out!" and appointing Christmas day as the time, and stating that it was proposed "to donate eight hundred or one thousand dollars," and if the location should be secured then ten thousand dollars would be expended in the county.

The result of that meeting is best told by its own minutes as follows:

Record of the meeting held December 25, 1853:

In pursuance of notice, a large number of the citizens of Story County met at the court house in Nevada, on Saturday, the 25th inst., for the purpose of taking the necessary steps towards securing the location of the Agricultural Farm and College in said county.

On motion George M. Maxwell was elected chairman, and Charles D. Berry secretary.

The chairman stated the object of the meeting. On motion a committee consisting of one from each township was appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The following gentlemen were appointed:

Franklin, Amon Hipsher ; Lafayette, Jonah Griffith ; Nevada, John Scott; Milford, Jacob Hoover; Indian Creek, T. J. Ross; New Albany, Wm. H. Richardson; Washington, W. J. Graham; Union, W. H. Grafton; Collins, J. L. Hyde; Palestine, Wm. TEMPLETON.

Committee, by John Scott, reported the following resolutions:

Resolved, That it is the sense of this meeting that Story County, in her central location, variety of soil and agricultural resources, has strong claims upon the State for the location of the Agricultural College within her limits.

Resolved, That we will use every effort to cause these interests to be properly represented before the locating board.

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