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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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he proposed to show the audience a little of what this grand heritage cost in suffering and privation. What was brought home was not. the empty sleeve, the shattered frame, or the crippled limb, but a glorious country, a genuine nation, the envy of the world, and free, forever free from the damning curse of human slavery. In closing the General referred to the fears sometimes, heard that G. A. R. Posts and Sons of Veterans Camps had a tendency to keep alive personal animosities and answered the thought by proving that personal feeling was not an element during the strife, and that it was no feature in their organization. Everybody granted every exConfederate soldier all rights and privileges as a citizen that every other citizen possessed, and this sentiment met a hearty response from every soldier present.

The poem, " Reunion," was recited by Miss Moulton in a very efficient manner. After the benediction the different organizations returned in the same order as they marched to the cemetery, a general good feeling prevailing and each trusting that they had contributed what they could towards doing honor to the heroic dead. The committee having charge of the exercises felt somewhat chagrined that the facilities of the town did not permit them to entertain the college organizations, but they hope to make amends at some future day.

The graves in the Ontario cemetery were decorated in the forenoon by the citizens, and members of Ellsworth Post. The arrangements being mainly directed by Messrs. FOSTER and McCracken. Comrades Barstow and T. G. Miller, assisted by comrades and citizens living in that vicinity held appropriate services during the forenoon at Bloomington cemetery. The exercises at Walnut Grove were conducted on Saturday, and it is reported that they were both solemn and patriotic. Other observances in this part of the county may have been held of which we have failed to gather the report, but enough is recorded to show how rapidly Memorial Day is increasing in the hearts of the people, and that the lessons it teaches receives sympathetic response from every loyal citizen.



WEDNESDAY, Jan. 6, 1886.

Board met as per adjournment.

Members all present.

Minutes of yesterday read and approved.

Board went in a body to the County Farm and Infirmary, and the day was occupied in inspecting the same and taking an inventory from which the following is summarized.

Number of inmates in infirmary, sixteen.

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