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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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homes wished that all present might live to attend many more such gatherings before the All Wise Architect shall summon them to the region beyond the river of life, from which there is no return. -(May 30, 1886.)


There was a very interesting Sunday School Convention held at the church, in Bloomington, Sunday, November 7th. The convention was opened with a song led by the superintendent, T. J. MILLER. After the reading of a chapter of scripture by T. B. Howland, Pres. Ingalls explained the lesson in a very instructive and comprehensive manner. The afternoon session was opened by singing, and a short praise service led by T. B. Howland. The topic, " What is the greatest need of the Sunday School" was discussed by G. H. Spencer and others. Rev. J. Fegtley discussed the topic, "The relation of parents to the Sunday School." This, it is needless to say, was ably handled. The speaker took the very sensible view, that parents should bring the Sunday school into the home; that they should assist the children in the study of the lesson by reading, by conversation and by whatever means they have at hand; finally, they should supplement these means by attending Sunday school with them. A good interest was manifested throughout the day, and we trust that good results will follow. May the Master add his blessing in this grand work.—(Nov. 1886.




General satisfaction seems to be the sentiment from all who attended the exercises in the hall on last Sabbath morning. The hall was full to the doors. All were on time and the audience was not disturbed by late comers or early goers. The Sons of Veterans had entire charge of the arrangement of this service, and much credit is due to them for the beautiful appearance of the hall and the systematic manner of seating the large audience. The Sons of Veterans attended the service in a body, under the command of Capt. Pickett, and presented a fine appearance with their new silk flag. The services were conducted by Rev. H. J. Everly, assisted by the local pastors and Prof. Wynn. The singing was by å, double quartette selected from the different church choirs, with Dr. Meredith as leader. The selections were appropriate, and excellently rendered. The sermon by Rev. Everly was rich in thought—pertaining to the day and its duties, but we refrain from any extended synopsis of it, as we hope to give it to our readers in full next week. It is proper to say that it received general commendation from the entire audience.

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