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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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The following is the vote of this district for Congressman, the vote of Story and Polk being official and that of the other counties as unofficially reported:


Conger's majority 950.


Monday was Decoration Day and it was duly and appropriately observed by Jason D. Ferguson Post, No. 31, G. A. R., assisted by the citizens of the town and surrounding country. The exercises were commenced with a sermon at the Methodist Episcopal Church, on Sunday, by Rev. Jeffry, who treated the subject in grand shape. Monday was ushered in in good shape; the day was clear and the sun shone bright, yet it was not hot, making all nature in its loveliest aspect.-Long before noon the streets commenced to fill with parties from the country, who came to participate in the exercises. About one o'clock the G. A. R. assembled at their hall, under direction of Commander Gillispie, assisted by Comrades Alfred Goodin and A. K. Banks, and proceeded to the street escorted by their martial band. Company G, I. N. G.. was waiting for them, with their band, when they proceeded to the public square, followed by the Nevada brass band with a vast concourse of citizens, the Nevada public schools, and, in fact, by an increasing multitude, including fair maidens who had been appointed as floral bearers and loaded with their garlands.

When the square was reached the crowd took seats, which had been prepared, and was called to order by Comrade T. C. McCALL in a few choice and fitting words of tribute to those whom we were to honor by the acts of this day. Music was interspersed throughout the services from beginning to end. The prayer was made by Rev. Reid, after which Judge H. C. Henderson, of Marshalltown, was introduced to the assembled crowd as orator of the occasion. His discourse was a fine one and was listened to throughout with marked attention, and may be truly said to be one of the finest that was delivered on that day in any section of our common country.

After the proceedings at the square were over the procession was again formed and proceeded to the cemetery, which being reached

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