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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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EDUCATION 1854 & 1855
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come together, having one-fourth of the district in each township, and issued notice of the same to George W. Thomas." This is dated January 18, 1854.

" District No. 3 in township 84, range 24," was three miles square, and its center was at the half mile stake on the north line of section 5, township 83, range 24. This dated January 23, 1854, and notice issued to John J. ZENOR.

Of same date " District No. 4 in township 84, range 24," was formed, being four and one-half miles long and four miles wide, the center of which was in south half of section 26, township 84, range 23. Notice was issued to Evan C. Evans.

January 25, 1854, gave premature birth to a district which happened to be all. in one congressional township, to-wit: Township 83, range 22, being three miles square, and the center of which was at the center of section 23 Following this record is a statement in form following: " The above district was not complied with," and across the face of the record is written " of no effect."

The above items are from what purports to be a " transcript of S. P. O'Brien's book, this July 18, 1854." There is no statement as to who transcribed it, or what became of the original.

Then follows a record of the " acts and doings of T. E. Alderman as School Fund Commissioner in and for Story County, Iowa," of which the first entry shows the formation of a district in township 82, range 22, south of District No. 1, dated July 3, A. D. 1854.

After this the record shows considerable business transacted between January 26th and April 15th, all apparently done by T. E. Alderman, at which last date the record shows receipt of the books from O'Brien. The first entry after this shows an allowance to O'Brian, B. F. Thompson, Clerk, and M. ZENOR, Sheriff, of $48.50, (without stating the amount to each or for what purpose), and noted as "paid oat of the permanent fund by T. E. Alderman."

April 18th shows "loaned T. E. Alderman $2.36." About this time many of the section 16 lands were sold, mostly to the settlers, the prices ranging from $1.25 for wet prairie to $3 per acre for the best timber. Loans were made, the record stating simply the name and amount, and relying upon the contract, which was recorded in fall in another place, for the details. In one case the payment of "a note with interest thereon" is recorded, with no amount stated and no dates given except that of payment.

January 20, 1855, a district was formed in the north part of the county, and notice issued to Jonah Griffith.

May 5, 1855, a district was formed, five miles square, the center of which was in the center of section 7, on the south side of the town plat of Nevada. Notice issued to E. C. Evans.

Then follows the record of the formation of the Shelby Baker district, July 2, 1855, now known as the old Mullen district; the 'Squire M. Cory district, February 9, 1855, (the date anterior but the record subsequent to the other); the W. W. Utterback district had been reformed October 2, 1854, in place of the one that had failed to organize.

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