Mr. F. A. Jackson is the station agent, and he seems to be accommodating and attentive.
At Iowa Center there are about fifty members of the Good Templars in their organization.
R. A. Robinson has a nice looking dwellingwell and tastefully finished. Wm. Golden has a good houseone of the good ones of the township. His barn may be the best in the county, and yet it is possible it may not be. It is the best I've seen. W. K. Wood and Jesse R. Wood have good dwelling horses. Each one is one and a half or two stories hih and a nice outside appearance. There are other good dwellings` and barns in the township I did not get to see.
The coal prospectors struck a paying vein of coal at a depth of 108 feet, southwest of the mill at this place, last week. All that we need now is the right company to take hold and push the work, and by the time snow flies again we can supply the surrounding country with coal.(April 28, 1886.)
The fire broke out about 12:30 Monday morning in Horton & Son's drug store, catching from stove or flue. It spread north to Magee's harness shop and south to the corner. Losses as follows, as nearly as can now be ascertained:S. E. Cooper & Co., furniture, building total loss, stock nearly all saved, fully insured. Goodman, room and hall, total loss, no insurance. I. O. G. T. and G. A. R. hall, total loss, no insurance. Dickey, Hill & Co., building total loss, insurance $600. Stock about half saved in a damaged condition, insurance about $2,000. C. H. Dickey, household goods, etc., total loss. Bank of Maxwell and building vault all safe, building total loss, insured. Junius Pearson, household goods, total loss, no insurance. W. H. Barnes, law office, papers and books saved, safe not open was in the fire. Maxwell Tribune, saved type, books and small press, insured for enough to cover loss.
Fire was on the sixth of December.
The City Council lost their room.
Hitchen's store room is badly blistered, but wet carpets saved it.
The bank vault just opened. Nothing frozen and nothing damaged
.Dickey Hill & Co., have moved their damaged stock into the Cole building.
Leroy SHEPHERD was injured by unusual exertions in getting out his press and inhaling smoke.
Dr. Goodman contradicts the statement that his building is a total loss. He has the key to the front door.