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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Among the stock raisers and feeders for sale, and other farmers of energy and life, may be named the following:

Jesse R. Wood, Wm. Golden, Join Dunahoo, Jacob Ray M. Ellison, S. Whitaker, Lot Moore, W. C. Hall, Isaac Horton, T. Monahan, Thos. Fitzgerald, James Thompson, M. D. Sheldon, W. V. Smith, J. W. John, W. J. Venneman, Robt. Bradshaw, C. Byers, T. V. Maxwell, S. J. Miller, Noble Hall, A. J. Marshall, R. R. Thompson. A. McConnell, M. Pearson, John Oxley, A. Wells, David F. Shope, G. W . Boitnott, G. W. Olinger, J. D. Gamble, R. M. Scott, L. Flickinger, Thos. Conly. E. C. FAIR, W. C. Geary, L. Coggshall, Arch Ray, John Ray, Geo. Wells and J. Wells.

Maxwell has a Creamery which is three years old and is owned or under the control of Messrs Ding, Dickey & Hill.

Mr. R. R. Thompson is the proprietor, or one of them, of a Tile Factory a short distance east of Maxwell. See in Index, "Tile Factories."

Maxwell has had three Mayors: J. W. Maxwell, Dr. S. T. Goodman and J. O. Trench.

The post-masters have been A. F. McNall and D. M. Ruth, the present one for Maxwell.

Iowa Center has for post-mistress Mrs. Frank Higley. At this date, (January 1881,) Iowa Center is the only post-office in the county not on a railroad. There was once a post-office called "Goshen," which has been noticed.

Maxwell has a Methodist E. Church organization numbering about eighty-five members. The Cumberland Presbyterians may have from thirty-five to fifty members.

The "Civics" are indicated as follows in membership: Masons, "Herald Lodge," fifty-five; "Social Lodge," fifty-two; I. O. G. T., forty; G. A. R., forty-one. This is a good showing for Maxwell.

Maxwell has a beautiful school house—brick—and it is situated on smite elevation—costing near $3,000. They have a good and graded school with a corps of live teachers. Maxwell has life.

The old cemetery in the southeast part of town it is presumed, will he moved ere long. Some of the graves will be hard to find. I found about sixty-five graves, but I think there are more. The new Cemetery is in the southwest corner of the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 22, township 82, range 22.

The number of cars of grain shipped from Maxwell during the last three or four months, was fifty-eight cars. The number of cars of stock shipped, in same time was eighty. This was for June, July, August and September.

There are two elevators in Maxwell, but steam power is used at one only.

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