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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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his assault by rushing through sections 16, 21 and 22, disturbing the line between sections 27 and 28, then breaks through section 34, and quits the county near the southeast corner of section 34. This closes the Injin raid in Story County.

Deer Grove is explained more fully by reference to "Groves" in the Index. "Mills," see Index for mills.

Iowa Center was laid out in August, 1855, but was doing some business in 1854, as the writer hereof knows, from having been there and took dinner with "Jerry COREY."

The town was laid out principally on the west quarter of section 10, with a tier of blocks off the east side of the southeast quarter of section 9.

If the proprietor of "Dayton," (Milton Arnold,) had had as good talkers to work up his interests in Dayton as Jerry COREY and Tommy Davis, Iowa Center might, today, be of the past, just as Dayton now is. Then it is presumed Dayton would have been recorded and shown to be a live town on the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 9, township 82, range 22. But Jerry and Tommy could out-talk Arnold. I met all of them, (the three,) in 1854, at which time Dayton was nicely staked off. But haps and mishaps occur very frequently. So good bye, Dayton, Story County, Iowa.

Maxwell next comes up twenty-six years after Iowa Center was laid out. Maxwell was laid off as a town in 1581, on the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad. It was laid out on the northwest quarter of section 27, and was incorporated in December, 1883.

It is a place of stir and business, and promises fair for the future.

For its business see "Directories" in the Index. For "Tile Manufactory," see Index. For "Cemeteries," see Index.

The tile factory is one of the profitable institutions of the township.

The Maxwell Tribune, a weekly newspaper, commenced publication about January, 1883, and is still prospering. It is Republican and makes a good paper.

The school houses are not all in their regular places as yet so as to form two mile square school districts. Iowa Center has a good. two story school house.

There are several church buildings in the township. There is am Evangelical Church at Iowa Center. There is a M. E. Church building at Maxwell, noticed elsewhere.

Those who ship stock and grain may be named as follows:

W. K. Wood, Curt. Wood, R. A. Robinson, David F. Shope, Geo. Lash, Samuel Miller, Jacob Ray, J. Freed, Miller & Co., and O. Lash.

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