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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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and festival, which is now under way and will continue until Thursday evening. Many new novelties by way of amusements are being introduced, and a grand good social time is being enjoyed.

The I. O. G. T.'s had a social and supper in their hall on last Friday evening, which was enjoyed by the members of the mystic tie.

Mrs Charlotta OXLEY, aged seventy-five years, mother of John and Thomas OXLEY died last Friday; the funeral services were held in Peoria City, on Sunday, conducted by Rev. Sway.

The gravel pit expectations are running high, but we will not squeal this time till we get out of the water. ST. CRIS.

It was undoubtedly a surprise to many persons, although the change had long been anticipated, to learn that last Friday's Register contained the appointment of D. M. Ruth as postmaster of this place, and Mr. McNall was to step down and out. Mr. Ruth has not yet taken possession of the office, but will most likely do so before long. We believe we are safe in saying that Mr. McNall has devoted himself very closely to his office, giving satisfaction to the entire community, and we are sorry to see him yield that position, but if there must be a change we are glad to see Mr. Ruth receive the appointment, as we think he is worthy of the position and will endeavor to discharge his official duties to the best of his ability.-Maxwell Tribune.—(Dec. 16, 1885.).

Our old friend Albert McNall has been relieved of the arduous duties of postmaster, and on January 1st, the keys, bags, etc., were handed over to Daniel Ruth, who has opened the post-office temporarily in Mr. Roe's store room.—(Jan. 13, 1886.)

The dedication of our new school house, on New Year Eve was a decided success in every particular; the building presented a fine appearance, illuminated in each story. The exercises were interesting, the supper excellent and the treasury replenished about $30. The citizens of Maxwell and vicinity, can well be proud of their school privileges, and if properly managed will induce many good citizens to locate here to receive the benefits thereof.

Death has again visited our vicinity, and taken from us one of our oldest and most respected citizens, Mrs. Anna Miller, aged seventy-four years, died at the residence of her son, Samuel Miller, in Deer Grove, a week ago last Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Miller was a consistent christian, and always ready to administer to the sick and afflicted, extending to them needed aid. The funeral services were held in Iowa Centre, Iowa, Rev. Evans officiating; the interment at Woodland Cemetery.

The many friends of Mrs. John C. Hotchkiss regret to hear of her death, in Des Moines, and extend to her family and her many relatives, in Story County, their true sympathy.

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