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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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in wading well so as to survey some of these lands. The soil is good and draining may make it very productive.

Some of the early settlers were, viz: Mormon Ballard, Daniel Ballard, Isaac Atkinson, J. H. B. Kerr, A. G. Person, Wm. Templeton, W. B. Hopkins, Ives Marks, John May, Jacob Horner, G. W. Kelley, O. Sheldabl, E. Sheldahl, Ole Apland, W. W. HALL


There are two streams of water I will name in Palestine Township, but there are other smaller ones: Ballard's Creek with its several branches and Walnut Creek. The last named passes very cautiously through the northeast part of the northwest of the northeast quarter of section one, and crossing through the more central part of the northeast of the northeast quarter of section one. Ballard's main stream commences in or near the wet lands named above and passes through the northwest quarter of section 21, and across the southern part of the southeast quarter of section 16, and through the south half of sections 15, 14 and 13, leaving the township near the southeast corner of section 13. Ballard's Creek runs through the whole length of Ballard's Grove; and Walnut Creek passes through Walnut Grove. See index for " Groves." See index for "Mills." See index for " Cemeteries."

Palestine having the good old Scripture name, has in its borders the site of the town of Palestine laid out in October, 1857, and was recorded.

Many years ago there were several families in it. Mr. Ives Marks by stir and energy had a kind of religious seminary built, but was never completed entirely. I believe it was never used as a seminary but may have been used as a dwelling for a time, but am not sure. Of late years it has been used as a barn and stable.

There was a post-office there prior to and during the war, and that excellent citizen of the township, W. B. Hopkins, was postmaster, and his daughter (now Mrs. P. W. Hopkins, of Colo) was his deputy.

The town was laid out on the south three-quarters of the east half of the southwest quarter of section 14, but is now in the past.

Huxley is situated on the north part of the north half of the northeast quarter of section 26, and is on the C. M. & St. Paul railroad. It is a place of some business, and was laid out as a town in 1882. It has a post-office and depot. The present postmaster is Jacob Stenson. See Directory for its business men.

There is a creamery at Sheldahl controlled or owned by Boardman Brothers. J. N. Scott is manager and may own a part of the creamery.

The town of Sheldahl is situated in three counties—Story, Polk and Boone. The post-office is now in Polk county. That part in Story was laid out in August, 1874. It was attached, by vote of its citizens to the Polk county incorporated part in June, 1882, just prior to the prohibitory amendment vote.

For the business of Sheldahl see index for the Directory.

Sheldahl was visited by its first fire about the twenty-fifth of

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