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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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from Jonathan Statler to W. H. Richardson, the jury, of which W. G. Allen was foreman, found that the liquors were kept with intent to be sold in violation of the law. It appears further on that they were destroyed; in the minds of many an unpardonable waste of a good thing. About this time Sheriff's Sales and Mortgage Sales begin to be advertised, and Mr. Alderman states by advertisement that he wants debtors to "either pay him the money by the first of August or give him a bankable note at not over sixty days, including forty per cent interest for the term of his indebtedness." H. Russell also notifies the public that he will take ambrotypes of all sizes, in any kind of weather, at his room opposite the Court House; and C. G. Smith and S. C. Harrison ask the public to call at Nevada Boot and Shoe Store, at No. 3 Union Block, east of the Public Square.

July 15th, the public was informed that the Story County delegation to the R. R. meeting at Waterloo had returned, much pleased with the prospects of the road, and John J. Bell and John Scott were elected 'Directors, and John Scott attorney of the company. The editor closes his notice by saying "it now only remains for the counties and citizens along the line to do their duty, and this important road will be built." 0f this date also appears a call for a meeting of the Story County Agricultural Society on the 25th, signed by John Scott as President. At the same time O. D. Russell announces New Store and New Goods, and T. A. Walker offers $50 reward for the prosecution and conviction of any person who has committed or may commit depredations on his timber adjoining the town. At this time, also, is advertised the fact that Smith & Westlake "are prepared to grind any quantity of shingles, on short notice, at their mill on Scott's addition to Nevada."

July 22d, it is stated that the first Presbyterian church of Nevada was organized, with eleven members, and Jonathan MYERS was chosen and ordained Elder. Camp Meeting is announced for August 14th, near Iowa Center. In another column is a notice of the arrest of several parties for drunkenness and disorderly conduct and fines to the amount of seventy-five dollars assessed by Esq. Statler.

August 19th, notes that the wheat and oats have been gathered and the yield far exceeds the fondest anticipations of the most sanguine in our midst; also. that fine flouring trills have been erected within the past year at Iowa Center and Cambridge, the latter of which will soon be in operation. The statement is also made that T. E. Alderman's block of stores is being raised and presents quite an imposing appearance.

September 23d, it is stated that the School Board have purchased two lots immediately east of the Court House, and the brick are being delivered on the ground for a house 26x40, and two stories high. This building will be an ornament to our town, as well as useful to the rising generation. Of same date a review of the recently held District Court states that "the indictments found by the Grand

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