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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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Mr. A. moved into it on October 11th, of the same year. The next comer was John H. McLAIN, who moved in August 7,1854, and that Geo. Childs, T. J. Adamson, Isaac Romane, J. C. Harris and A. P. Fitch came in during the fall and winter following. It is here stated that the first District Court held at the county town was August 14, 1854, his honor, C. J. McFarland, presiding, and that it met in a log house that stood on the N. E. corner of North Square, which house had been removed. There being no house for the juries they went out on the prairie, probably where the Presbyterian church now stands, and sat on the grass, as well as the jury.

In the same number is a call for a meeting on March 21st, to forward measures for a County Fair next fall, as well as other matters; and also in the advertising columns a modest announcement from E. Armstrong that he is desirous of making a small fortune while his neighbors are making large ones, and that he will sell goods for cash cheaper than any other store in the city, of same date there is also announced the opening of a New Furniture store on South Square, by Frazier & Cessna.

Whether "the failure of paper arrangements" above mentioned was caused by lack of funds or by impassable roads is not stated, but most likely to be the latter, as all our citizens were very proud of our new Advocate, and were liberal in sustaining it.

The next number at hand is dated June 17th, being No. 20th, and contains the articles of incorporation of the Waterloo and Des Moines Railroad Company. The capital stock is to consist of $3,000,000 which may be increased if necessary, but the indebtedness shall not exceed $2,000,000. The names of the corporators are published, but the mice have taken that of the signer from Nevada.

This number contains a call from Rev. B. F. Stuart for a meeting on Wednesday evening, July 1st, to "learn the names of all that will unite in building up the cause of Christ after the manner of Presbyterianism, and in organizing a church, if thought best."

A simple incident may serve to illustrate the kind of milk furnished the babes of that period by this simple-hearted brother. The writer remembers hearing one of his discourses on the evidences of a Supreme Power, in which he endeavors to show a supposed condition of affairs in the words following: "And now, dear friends, supposing God should happen to died" This original idea he elaborated at considerable length, very much to the edification of his audience.

June 24th, we are advised that Joshua Cooper had a fine cream colored horse stolen; and that a lodge of I. O. O. F, was instituted on the previous Saturday night. Also that Bobbins & Downing succeed to the chances of E. Armstrong for that little fortune he meant to make, also that certain liquors were seized as being kept for sale contrary to the peace and dignity of the State. Under date of July 1st, we learn that these liquors were claimed by a Mr. See, and that after the defendant had taken a change of venue

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