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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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For a description of the Tile Factory on this creek, and its business, see in index, Tile Factories. And for Mills, see Mills in index; and for Groves see index.

There once was some good native growth timber in Luther Grove, Worrall Grove, Walnut Grove and some along Skunk River and Squaw Fork. It has been disappearing yearly; but to more than recompence this, artificial groves are dotting the prairie farms all over the township. Squaw has but little timber, Walnut and Worrall Groves once had some very good timber in them.

West of Walnut Grove is the town of Kelley. A Tile factory is there and an elevator.

There are two or more cemeteries in Washington Township, one at Ames and on the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 2. One at New Philadelphia, the oldest one, situated on the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 5. They are on nicely elevated land.

Mr. P. L. Porter, who several years lived close to and west of the College, did quite a brisk trade in the creamery business, and brick making. John McDougall was first in the brick manufactory. The manager now is Mr. J. M. Stark who is doing a good business in tile manufactory. Mr. Stark has the experience and should know how to do good work. Mr. Stark calls the creek on which the tile is made, Clear Creek. Its original and correct name is "Luther Creek." This discrepancy, however, will not harm the work done.


This farm was located June 21, 1859, on the west half of section 3, the east half of section 4, and the east half of the west half of section 4, township 83 north, range 24 west of 5th P. M.—containing six hundred and forty-eight acres. The first Board of Trustees appointed under the act, consisted of the following gentlemen: Timothy Day, John Wright, G. W. F. Sherwin, Richard Gaines, Suel Foster, J. W. Henderson, E. G. Day, John Pattee, Peter Melendy, Gov. R. P. LOWE, William Duane Wilson and M. W. Robinson.

In order to secure this farm Story County proposed to donate $10,000 in bonds; the citizens of Story and Boone Counties gave in notes and subscriptions $5,340, and nine hundred and eighty-one acres of land deeded and bonded in Story and Boone Counties.

Elsewhere will be found an account of the efforts made, moneys and lands donated, to secure its location in Story County; also the vote on the expediency of the county donating $1.0,000 for the location.

After this farm was located in Story County, the College received

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