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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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No. men employed in egg and butter business during season20
No. men employed in the creameries during the season75
No. men employed during the poultry season150

This gives employment to more men in the county and elsewherethan any other one business of our county.


The first church built in Nevada was a Cumberland Presbyterian church and stood on a modest elevation near the center of lot nine, block P, in Scott's addition to Nevada. It was one of the first buildings for church purposes built in the county.

The brick church, a Baptist church, was built about the same time, say in 1857, in Iowa Center. This Cumberland church was taken down a number of years ago, and the timbers taken away. I find, by referring to a brief history of this church and the "Union Meeting" that had been held in it, written in 1866, that the building was still in its place at that date. I will here say more of the "Union Meeting" that was held in this church in May, 1861. It was held to test the feelings more definitely of the citizens of our county on the "state of affairs." The startling news had reached us of the rebels firing on the Star of the West, and then on Fort Sumpter. Fort Sumpter, after being bombarded for two or three days, surrendered April 14, 1861, and the brave Major Anderson and his men became prisoners-made prisoners by those fighting against their own countrymen and their own country. Such news reaching us of course was exciting. The meeting was called by consent of both parties here, and it was large and harmonious and patriotic. See preceding pages.

The N. S. Presbyterian church was built in 1866 on lot three, block sixteen, a cosy church.

The M. E. church was built about 1867, costing about $4,000 or $5,000. It is the largest church in the city and will seat a large number of people. It was built on lots four and five, block thirteen.

The Baptist church was built about 1881-82 on lot nine, block G, Stewart's addition, and is a handsome building, and has twentyseven members.

The Evangelical Lutheran church was finished mainly in 1885, and has thirty-one members. It is, with the parsonage. situated on lots two and three, block three, Mills' addition. This church is convenient and has the most taste in its finish of any other in Nevada. Is not quite so roomy as the M. E. church. This Lutheran church and the parsonage cost about $3,500. The Lutherans have a good church building at Johnson's Grove, and membership there of about forty-four.

The Catholic church was built about 1870, costing about $1,280, on lot seven, block thirty-nine. The priest, Father MURPHY, although a young man, lives at Nevada, the only resident priest in Story County. Has services at Colo occasionally, for they have a church building there costing $1,100.

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