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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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cated. If any have been omitted it is unintentional and we shall be pleased to hear from them:

T. E. Alderman & Son, barn$3,000
I. A. Ringheim, house and barn2,000
John Boyd, new dwelling1000
W. P. Payne, repairing dwelling500
Col. Scott, repairing dwelling500
Wingert & Co., chicken ranch300
Lyman White, repairing dwelling50
E. S. Bamberger, repairing dwelling100
Mrs. Henry Baily, new house600
Isaac Walker, barn300
G. W. Ambrose, repairing residence500
Lyman & Co., tile factory1,000
Lars Hanson, addition200
Almond Ashford, addition to dwelling700
Jeff. Lyman, addition300
Wm. Hansell, foundry repairs300
Wm. Lyman, on residence200
W. Johnson, on residence200
A. M. Norris, on residence250
Boardman Brothers300
Samuel Bates, on houses250
George Child, on residence250
Dr. Munk, on residence200
Dr. Bunce, on residence100
E. S. Bamberger, on residence200
Jack WORSLEY, stable200
T. R. Leonard, addition to house50
Wes. Wood, stable100
D. P. Billings, repairing residence100
Z. Shugart, addition to stable50
Mrs. George W. Payne, on residence50
T. E. Alderman, north s. r. r. res100
Ed. Hague, hennery100
J. A. Fitchpatrick, on residence100
Mrs. Monahan, on residence50
M. C. Allen, on residence100
S. E. Briggs, on residence100
Wm. Lockridge, on residence200
Mary Hague, on residence50
Henry McIntosh, on stable100
S. S. Statler, on residence100
Frank Curtiss, on dwelling100
Wm. Moran, on residence100
J. W. Almy, hennery200
    Total $16,250

—(Nevada Watchman, Dec. 31, 1886.)

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