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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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northeast quarter of section 13, township 85, range 21; and again re-crosses into Howard Township to section 18; then gets back into the southeast quarter of section 13, then cuts across west of the east quarter section corner of 13, then crosses the east line of the southeast quarter of section 13 two or three times and gets into the southwest quarter of section 18, township 85, range 23. This stream, surely is very crooked.

There once was some timber in sections 12, 13 and southeast quarter of section 36.

Keigley's fork enters the north line of the township at the north quarter section corner of section 5, township 85, range 24; then winds through sections 5, 8, 16, 22, 26 and 36, touching sections 21, 27 and 35. It finally empties into Slunk river a short distance below Soper's mill, and near the center of the northwest quarter of section 7, township 81, range 23. This creek was named, as has been said, for Esq. .John H. Keigley, who settled near it in early times. He was and is yet a worthy citizen. I have known him nearly thirty years in Story County and think I am entitled to an opinion.

THE PRESS. "The Review," is published weekly by H. C. Carlson, and is politically Democratic.

There is a tile factory established at Story City by Butler & Peterson.

The business men of Story City will be given in its place (see "Directory") in Index.

For Mills, Cemeteries, Groves, Tile Factories, etc., see the index for reference.

The D. & M. Railroad passes through this township—entering near the center of southeast quarter of section 33, then runs through 33, and passes at or near the quarter section corner between sections 27 and 28, then in almost direct line to Story City passing through sections 22 and 14—touching near the northwest corner of 23. From Story City north on or near east line of sections 11 and 2. The Iowa Central & Northwestern road enters the township eighty or one hundred rods north of the southeast corner of section 12, then a little south of west to its junction with the D. M. & M. R. Road at southwest part of Story City. This is a good shipping point for stock and grain. Several engage in shipping live stock and grain from here, souse of whom I will name: John McEllery, Randall Company, Butler & Molstre, Mr. HAYDEN.

There are three elevators on the Northwestern Railroad, operated by horse power. A good flouring mill. A nice two story school house, with a good bell on it, costing $3,500.

There is a Creamery here, but did not learn the business it is doing.

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