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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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March 1st. A. M. Williams has moved into the hotel; W. Maynard, from Nevada, has opened up his grocery store in the Snyder building; the Zearing Register has moved into the rooms over A. M. William's implement store. Ira Barnes, one of the grain buyers, will move his family from Union in a few days. —(Zearing, Jan. 24, 1883.)

There was considerable excitement in town Monday week at the election. Much feeling was shown, and quite a number of votes were challenged. The result of the election was as follows: Mayor, A. M. Williams; assessor, Dr. F. S. Newton; recorder, J. M. Ingram; councilmen, W. H. Brooks, C. Burgess, Geo. Patton, W. F. Lewis, C. Burkhart, and N. Ii,. Clift.—(Zearing, Jan. 24, 1883.)

Some improvements are going on: D. A. Tooker is putting up a new store building twenty by forty feet on his lots m the east part of town, and N. R. Clift is remodeling his implement warehouse.—(Zearing, Jan. 24, 1883.)

The examination of Arch. Neet for the assault on Charley Ingram was held Tuesday, the sixth instant. John R. HAYS appeared for the prosecution and Martin & Sellers for the defendant. Neet was placed under $400 bonds for his appearance at court. Charley Ingram is recovering from the effect of the blow; but it was a close call for him.—(Zearing, Jan. 24, 1883.)

From the Zearing Register we glean the following facts: A whisky case was tried before W. A. Bowman last Thursday, in which case one Herman was defendant. J. R. HAYS represented the State and T. L. Sellers the defense. Herman was convicted on two counts and fined including costs something over forty dollars. It is intimated that other parties besides Herman are unlawfully conducting the liquor business in Zearing.—(Feb. 28, 1883.)

Zearing had almost a murder on Sunday the fourth instant. Arch Neet, the section boss, without any provocation, struck Charley Ingram with a heavy iron poker used for the depot stove and very nearly killed him. Neet was arrested and his examination will be held to-day. Liquor was the cause of the assault, as Neet is a quiet peaceable man when sober. Neet and several of the bovs had been down to St. Anthony on the hand-car and got full of beer and after their return the assault was made —(March 7, 1883.)

The new officers of the incorporated town of Zearing are as follows: Mayor, A. M. Williams; recorder, J. M. Ingram; treasurer, J. Johnson; assessor, F. S. .Newton; councilmen, N. F. Lewis, W. H. Brooks, C. Burgess, Geo. Patton, N. R. Clift, G. M. Tuttle. —(March 17, 1853.)

The farmers have been busy the past week haying. Timothy and clover is heavier than last year.

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