himself, possessed what he thought every teacher should, to-wit: a full appreciation of the importance of the Sabbath school work.
After discussing one more topic the convention adjourned for dinner.
First after dinner came the Praise meeting, led by Rev. Johnson, of Colo, in an interesting manner, and then the Children's meeting, led by Mr. G. S. Clift, who gave the children a nice blackboard exercise, illustrating the story of " The Lost Lamb." which he related to them in a pleasing manner. Mr. Mun also talked to the children, and the manner and readiness with which they, answered questions, indicated that they enjoyed the remarks of both speakers, and also that their Sabbath school teacher or teachers had done good work.
The remarks of Mr. A. Stebbins upon "The Sabbath school teacher out of school," as also those of Mr. G. Paxton on " Shall the Sabbath school scholar attend public worship," were good, being practical and earnest.
An election of officers for the township organization resulted in Mr. A. Stebbins being elected president, and Mrs. N. R. Clift secretary and treasurer.
Mr. N. R. Clift and Mr. G. Paxton were elected delegates to the district convention, at Ogden, in October.
We should judge that the Sabbath school at this place, under the management of Mr. Clift, is doing a good work, and that Lincoln Township has earnest workers to look after the work there.(August 20, 1882.)
Everything is lovely in Zearing. A Christmas tree in Ingrams hall Christmas night was well loaded with useful and handsome presents; and Santa Claus was very well personated by a person clothed in furs and sheep-skin. The hall was packed full of people and a great many were unable to get inside the hall.
The new elevator is being built as fast as possible and will be a great addition to the appearance and business of the town.
W. F. Lewis & Sons are intending to enlarge the Northern Light and print it in Zearing hereafter.
J. C. Burkhart has moved into his new house and is now a citizen of the town.Zearing, Jan. 3, 1883.)
EB.The following itemized building improvements in Zearing during 1582, have been kindly furnished us:
E. A. Abbott, steam elevator | $ 2,500 |
E. G. Slaight, warehonse | 500 |
J. C. Burkhart, dwelling House | 1,500 |
George Williams, dwelling house | 300 |
James Williams, dwelling house | 800 |
Joseph Ingrain, store and hall | 1,000 |
Patton & JOHNSTON, finishing store | 200 |
G. Tuttle, improvements on store | 200 |
Barb wire factory | 200 |