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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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position about two weeks and appears to be quite at home in the office.

Threshing and corn husking is about finished in the township.

Yours truly,        D, B.

The buyers in Zearing are paying thirty-five cents per bushel of eighty pounds for corn and there is quite a large amount being hauled to town.—(November, 1882.)

Henry Orthman, a German, living about two miles south of Zearing, committed suicide Monday morning of last week by shooting the top of his head off with a shot-gun. Orthman had had poor health for a number of years and had been worse for some time past, and it seems was tired of living and so took this method of ending his existence.—(November, 1882.)

Dr. Newton is building a residence in the east part of town. Messrs. Thatcher & Norton are building a good livery stable in the west part. Mr. Tooker has finished the inside of the hotel building in good shape by plastering, putting in bed-rooms, etc.—(Zearing, November, 1882.)

The Northern Light of Latrobe, is to be removed to Zearing and issued as a republican paper. Messrs. Lewis will improve the prospects by the change of location quite materially. Of course we wish them abundant success.—(December, 1882.)


At about seven o'clock last Sabbath morning, August 20th, in company with that genial companion, Rev. M. L. MUN, the writer hereof started overland for Zearing to attend the first quarterly meeting of the county Sabbath school association.

A pleasant drive of three hours brought us to the end of our journey, and we were surprised to find so much of a town, and it is so pleasantly located.

Mr. Paxton, of Ames, and Mr. and Mrs. Howland, of Pleasant Grove, arrived soon after, as did also Mr. and Mrs Geo. Clift, of Hubbard. Mr. J. A. Boston and family, of Warren, and Rev. Johnson, of Colo, were present in the afternoon..

The convention was held in the new town hall, which was well filled with an interesting, as well as an apparently interested, audience, largely composed of young people and children, who gave excellent attention during the somewhat lengthy exercises of the day.

The opening devotional exercises were conducted by Mr. T. B. Howland, followed by the discussion of the topic: "The Sabbath school—what is it doing?" led by Mr. MUN, who, as usual, presented some grand thoughts.

Mr. G. S. Clift led in the discussion of the next topic, viz: "How can we increase the teacher's competency and earnestness?" and gave a very earnest and practical talk. It was evident that he,

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