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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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There will be some little extra charge for work, that will come before the board for their action, which will swell the total a trifle. The total cost will thus be a trifle over $432.66. That is quite a contrast with the bid of some of the competitors.—Nevada Watchman. —(October 29, 1886.)


The Convention of the Sunday Schools of this district assembled here October 10th and held a very successful meeting. O. B. Ingalls, our worthy President, was on hand, as he always is, when anything is going on that pertains to Sunday Schools. He is an indefatigable worker and by his continual labors the members of our Sabbath Schools are continually on the increase. Dr. Bunce was present and favored us with his views on temperance in all things, more especially on rum and tobacco. He being able to tell so much from actual experience, and so many being present that knew what he had been, his remarks produced a profound impression. May he be the means of bringing many out of the miry pit and placing their feet upon the rock Christ Jesus, who only is able to save fallen humanity. Our district President, A. L. Golden, was present and gave a good report of the Sunday School work in this district. The Rev. R. A. Ferguson spoke upon the topic "Watchman, What of the Night°" and encouraged the hearts of the workers by his eloquent remarks. lie was unexpectedly called away in the afternoon to attend the funeral of Mrs. Alex. McConnell, who resided about two miles southeast of this place. These conventions are stirring up the people to greater zeal in the Sunday School work and are conductive of much good. May the good work go on, until all church members and young people shall be found enrolled as earnest workers in studying the truth which is in Christ Jesus. WORKER.

—(October 13, 1886.)


The Sabbath school convention called to meet at the chapel in Franklin township October 17th, got at work in good time in the forenoon with a fair attendance from Nevada, Ames, Bloomington and the surrounding country. The convention was opened iii the usual manner by Bro. Howland, of Milford. The lesson was read responsively and explained by Bro. Ingalls, of Nevada. The question " When and for what purpose should lesson helps be used" was discussed by Messrs. Jas. Brown, T. C. Miller, Hardcastle and Wright, of Ames. After an intermission the afternoon session opened with song and praise service conducted by Mr. WINGERT, of Nevada, and in which, besides the choir, Messrs. Ingalls. Brown, Howland, Fegtly, Miller, Bunce, Hardcastle, Wright and Ferguson

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