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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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address of welcome by ex-President WELCH, a response by President Chamberlain, and toasts by representatives of many parties interested in the success and usefulness of the college. The welcome to the new president was hearty and unanimous and appeared to be a finale of the differences which have existed among the friends of the college.—Nevada Representative.—(August 4, 1886.)

A Little York girl, while lisping her childish prayer at her mother's knee before retiring, stopped in the middle of her devotions and said: "0, Lord, please wait a minute until I scratch my toe."


Advices from Belle Plaine say that the artesian well is still vomiting out a stream as large as the fore wheel of a wagon. The Chicago Engineer, George Morgan, arrived. He believes it will in time exhaust itself. A cone, twenty feet in length and tapering from twelve to thirty inches, is being made from heavy boiler iron. This will be fastened to a five inch tube loaded with sand and sunk, in the hope that it will gradually settle in the hole and plug it up. The story in the papers about an immense and increasing damage is an exaggeration. The surplus water is being led off by two channels, which will be sufficient to prevent, an overflow.

The civil engineer, George Morgan, stated that the discharge of water was 5,000,000 gallons daily with a pressure of twenty-six pounds to the square inch. There is no immediate danger from the overflow and the excitement has about subsided. The five inch pipe to be sunk to-morrow with the cone-shaped top will be seventy-five feet long and the success of the experiment will depend upon sinking it in the exact center of the well. If it does not succeed a twenty inch well will be sunk below the water point, which is expected to stop the water flow, as the last well stopped the other seven. The proposed new well will be fitted with a cap so that when the geyser is filled up the water may be forced back again into the seven welts which have ceased flowing. The only danger apprehended is that when the water is cut oft' the loose soil for a number of feet about the well, which is bouyed* up by its pressure, may cave in, making a bad hole in the street. This will be about fifty feet deep, since the soil to that depth is composed of sand and gravel, when the impervious bed of clay which the water cannot wear away to any extent. The crisis is supposed to be past.—Nevada Watchman.—(September 3, 1886.)

The painting of the Court House by Mr. Davis has been completed and the work is well done and looks well. The contract price for the work was $240 and the material used cost $192.66.

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