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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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The coldest weather known for years was reported at Galveston, Texas, where ice formed from three to five inches in thickness Friday night. In the South Atlantic region, as far south as Tampa Bay, Florida, freezing weather was also reported.—(Jan. 13, 1886.)


Christmas eve, just as people were taking their leave from the Christmas tree, a fire was discovered in the south part of town, and the news was soon spread that Wm. TREMBLY's house was in flames. People hastened to aid, but it was then too late. The fire was burning rapidly; there was no hope. There were a few things taken from the kitchen such as the cook-stove, cupboard, cooking utensils, and other articles, but the fruit, flour and such articles were put away in a cave, which saved them from the fire. The carpets, furniture, beds, bed-clothing and other articles which were in the bed-room and front room were all burned. The mystery was not explained until Monday, when 'Squire Shockley, from Ames, arrived and searched the house of J. W. Johnston and found some of Ida Harris' things who was boarding with TREMBLY. Clothing, jewelry, books and other articles were found before the search was begun. Mary Johnston, a girl of thirteen, rolled something under her apron and started but was caught with some of the stolen goods. She then confessed that she had taken the goods and then set fire to the house. She said she had taken most everything out of Ida Harris' trunk when the bed-clothes caught on fire. She could not smother the flames and was obliged to escape through an open window through which she had broken in at. She will be taken to a reform school.

Mrs. Annie Jones, who died Saturday night, has been ill but one week. It has not been a year since her husband died. Now four children are left to mourn the loss and to be orphans; it is strange that both parents should die while so young.

After all, Ontario has not witnessed a Merry Christmas, but we hope for a Happy New Year.—(Jan. 1, 1886.)

There are too many small boys running our streets after nightfall. It is the very worst place for a boy to be. Parents should see that their children are furnished with reading of a wholesome kind, and some innocent games, and then a love for home and that which is good will early in life be instilled into their minds, and they will grow up better qualified for the duties of life, than if they are allowed to take all their lessons on the streets, and loafing about the stores.

Dunklebarger & Son, and T. W. Kelley, shipped a car-load of hogs, each, yesterday.—(Jan. 27, 1886.)

Mr. D. G. Ferguson started a car-load of hogs from here last Thursday evening, but they only got as far as Ames, where they were overtaken by a snow storm, and had to be unloaded and cared for until Saturday evening, when they were again sent out on their journey.—(Jan. 27, 1886.)

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