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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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NEWS ITEMS 1885 & 1886
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morning to Minneapolis, and one also of horses Wednesday morning.—(Ames, Aug. 6, 1885.)

On Tuesday morning Mr. Wm. Clark shipped to Minneapolis his twelfth car of horses since February last. A few of the animals became frightened and took a go-as-you-please frolic, but they were impounded before traveling a great distance.—(Ames, Sept. 2,1886.).

Dunklebarger & Son ship to-day five cars of as fine cattle as ever went from the county.—(Nevada, Dec. 8, 1886.)

Mr. Wm. Fultz, living south of town, sold to Dunklebarger & Son on Saturday last forty-five head of hogs, averaging 322pounds, for which he received $484. Mr. Fultz is one of our most thrifty farmers, and is an enterprising, go-a-head gentleman.—(Nevada, Dec. 10, 1886.)

At a regular meeting Monday evening of Jason D. Furguson Post, No. 31, G. A. R., the following officers were elected: J. F. Gillespie, Com.; Jas. Dillon, S. V. Coin.; J. W. Kinney J. V. Coin.; G. W. Barnes, Q. M.; A. D. Pattee, Officer of Day; D. V. Thrift, Officer of Guard; W. I. STEVENS, Chaplain; M. Daugherty, Surgeon; F. D. Thompson, Jas. Dillon, delegates to Grand Encampment; F. Elliott, C. W. Wood, alternates.—(Nevada, Dec. 9, 1885.)

On Tuesday Geo. Gilmore, of Milford township, sold sixty-three hogs that weighed 25,620 pounds at $3.40 per hundred, and which netted him the snug sum of $871.10. They were delivered at Ames, from which place they were shipped. Mr. Gilmore is one of the good farmers in the county and keeps only the best of stock. One thing will strike one familiar with hogs as still better that they were all of one breed, Chester White, and of nearly uniform size. The average weight of them will be seen was over 400 pounds. Mr. Gilmore has more of the kind on hand and is up to just such things.—(Dec. 18, 1885.)

When passing, I called to see my old and highly esteemed friend, D. R. Brown, who has been a great sufferer for years from a lingering disease. He seems to endure his sufferings with remarkable patience. He may even yet outlive the writer hereof. Allow me to say he is one of Story County's honest men. Mr. Brown lives in the southeast corner of Grant township. I passed several farms in good culture before reaching Mr. Jesse Barker's. Mr. B. has one of the largest apple and cherry orchards in Story County. Has about 7;50 apple and 200 cherry trees in fair bearing condition. Has also peach and chestnut trees. Around this orchard, and intermingling it, is a magnificent and nicely arranged grove of maples. This grove covers nearly or quite twenty acres of ground. Has a large commodious dwelling, nicely surrounded anal protected by the grove.—(Dec. 10, 1885.)

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