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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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incoming official will give good satisfaction is only to be expected as he is genial and obliging.

The postoffice was established in Nevada in November, 1853, with T. E. Alderman as postmaster, who held the office two years. He was succeeded by Austin Prouty. As near as we can learn the following are the officials following up to the present time: W. E. Aldridge, Jas. Hawthorn, W. G. Allen, J. S. Blick, Otis Briggs, E. D. Fenn, L. Irwin, John Beatty and T. J. Ross, now followed by E. D. Fenn.

The first postoffice was located on the corner of the lot occupied by Mr. Lant LOCKWOOD as a residence southwest of the court house. The first mail carrier was J. P. Robinson, uncle of J. P. Robinson, of Grant township, who carried it weekly from Des Moines. The receipts for the first quarter were a trifle over $1, of which amount Mr. Alderman received the large sum of seventy-five cents for his services, and the government forty per cent of the gross receipts. This is quite a marked contrast with the present receipts. Of course at that time there was no boxes, no conveniences and little mail. The salary of the postmaster now is about $1,300 per year. Comments are unnecessary.—(Sept. 4, 1885.)

A very interesting and profitable Sunday school convention was held at the Evangelical church in Story City, Sunday morning and afternoon. The topics discussed concerned—the object of the Sunday school and how well it is fulfilling its mission, the qualifications of a successful teacher, the extent to which temperance should be taught in the Sunday school, and how to teach the lesson. T. B. Howland, the district president, and Rev. B. H. Neible, O. B. Ingalls and S. R. Corneliussen assisted very much in the meeting. A township organization was effected with S. R. Corneliussen as president and C. Nelson as secretary. The children's exercise was very nice. The collection was $4.30.—(September 2, 1885.)


" Jim Baxter, take the witness stand and state whether or not you know the cow said to have been stolen by the defendant. If you do, state her age and value; in a word tell all you know about her."

" Mr. Lawyer, ask one question and speak louder. I'm thick o'hearin'."

"Well, if you know the cow, state how old she is."

" I owned her thirteen years ago."

" Answer my question, how old is slue?"

" Don't know; was so old I put hickory withes on her horns for the wrinkles to run out on."

"What is she worth?"" She gives right smart of milk every day."

"I didn't ask how much milk she gave; state her value."

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