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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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of meeting for the reunion of 1886. Thursday night the veterans slept quietly and soundly in camp, when not otherwise occupied. Friday morning Ben Brenneman's " love feast" took place, and was a highly-enjoyed feature of the reunion. Among those who spoke their little impromtu pieces and cracked pleasant camp-fire jokes were Scott, UNDERWOOD, Smith, Gossard and Shearer. About 11 o'clock the soldiers and people gathered at the stand to listen to the opening of the formal exercises of the day. Music in good quantity and quality was furnished by the bands, and prayer was offered by Chaplain John Doty; after which and more music, Col. Jesse Wood introduced Mayor Goodman, who welcomed the old soldiers and the people generally to Maxwell and to the reunion of 1885.—(Aug. 9, 1885.)


The reunion of the 3d Iowa regiment is now taking place in Nevada, and the citizens are glad to welcome the surviving veterans. The streets and business houses are decked with flags, and the homes of the people are open. The headquarters have been established by Col. Crossley at the office of Smith & Son, where twenty-seven names were registered at nine o'clock this morning. A hundred or more of the three hundred survivors are expected. Tents have been put up in the park, and there a camp-fire will be held this evening. The announcement of the reception to-morrow evening will be seen elsewhere. Meanwhile the veterans will renew old associations and fight their battles over again. A cordial welcome and hopes for many more reunions are extended to them. —(Aug. 19, 1885.)

The State Board of Equalization have been in session recently and Auditor McCarthy received Monday a letter from Gov. Sherman under date of August 1st, in which he says: " Your valuation was reduced ten per cent, leaving the average at $8.05 per acre, instead of $8.94 as reported." This makes a difference of $1,236.82 on state revenue and county school, being thus much a saving to our taxpayers. This reduction is on all realty in the county, both town property and lands. At the time of the meeting of the State commission, Auditor McCarthy was present and explained the matter in such shape that they gave Story County the benefit. It is still higher than some of the counties in the state. The auditor did good work in this instance and we give him due credit for it. —(Aug. 7, 1885.)


On Tuesday morning Nevada was treated to a new postmaster, E. D. Fenn in place of T. J. Ross. The office was removed into the building belonging to Mrs. Patton on the corner of Linn acid Sixth street, and has commodious and comfortable quarters. Miss Fegtly will remain in the office, thus assisting the new official in making matters in the best of shape from the start. That the

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