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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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NEWS ITEMS 1884 & 1885
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As already announced, the dedication of the New Lutheran church of this place will take place next Sabbath, July 26.

The following is a partial program for the day;

Sunday school, 9:45—10:45 A. M.

Preaching, 11—12 A. M.

Dedicatory sermon, 3—4 P. M.

Combined service of praise and song and children's service, 8 r. u. Addresses by Mr. J. A. Spielman of Fairfield, C. W. BINGHAM, Esq., of Cedar Rapids, and other visiting brethren. This program is subject to such change as shall be thought necessary. There may possibly be a separate children's service from 4 to 5 P. M. and a more general exercise in the evening. Notice of any changes will be given at the Sunday morning service.

A cordial invitation is extended to all. Those coming from the country should be prepared to remain for the afternoon service.

(July 22, 1885.) J. A. ZIEGLER, Pastor.

E. W. Gifford recovered his stolen watch yesterday. It was found done up in a napkin under a sidewalk at Ames near where the tools used in burglarizing Thomas Bros. store were found. N. G. Cook, the photographer, was the finder, and he identified the watch by the published numbers.—(July 22, 1884.)

E. W. Gifford's house was burglarized Thursday night and his gold watch stolen. The number of the watch was 371,009 and of the case 61,337.5. The house of M. P. Warrick was entered the same night; but Mrs. W arrick waked up and the burglars left. —(July 22, 1885.)


The sixth annual reunion of Story County soldiers and sailors took place at Maxwell last Thursday and Friday. The weather was superb, the grove good enough, and the attendance exceptionally large, being variously estimated at 2,000, 2,500, and 3,000. The forenoon of the first day was occupied in reaching the grounds from the various parts of the county, pitching tents and getting settled in camp. The several posts of the county were well represented, and it was evident at the start that the veterans were to have a grand good time in meeting old acquaintances and reviving old war memories. The afternoon and evening of Thursday, aside from camp duties and sports and general visiting, was filled in with speaking at the stand, Messrs. Fenn and Hoggat being the most conspicuous of the talker,. The election of officers of the regiment for the next year took place Friday evening and resulted as follows: Colonel, John Scott; lieutenant colonel, I. L. Smith; major, C. E. Haverlv; quartermaster, Jay A. King; surgeon, Dr. Geo. Stitzell; chaplain Rev. Moulton; drum-major, Geo. Pitsor; fife-major, Alba Hall. Nevada was selected as the place

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