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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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The joint committee of the G. A. R. Post and citizens, appointed to arrange for Decoration Day exercises, submit the following


Sunday, May 24, 1884, at 11 A. M., union services in Opera Hall, sermon by Rev. I. Reid, prayer by Rev. Geo. Houghton.

Friday, May 30, 1884, 1:30 P. M.

1. Music by band on McCALL & Thompson's corner.

2. Meeting called to order in Opera Hall by president of the day, at 2 P. M.

3. Vocal Music.

4. Prayer—Chaplain, W. A. Wright.

5. Band Music.

6. Address—F. D. Thompson.

7. Recitation—Minnie McCALL.

8. Address—P. W. Farrar.

9. Vocal Music.

10. Address—W. O. Payne.

11. Address—J. L. Dana.

12. Band Music.

13. Forming of procession on Fifth and Main Streets, under the direction of Marshal J. F. Gillispie and assistants, in the following order:

1. Martial Music; 2. G. A. R. and other soldiers and sailors; 3. Officers of the day and speakers; 4. Singers and decorating committee; 5. Civic societies; 6. Band; 7. Fire department; 8. City schools; 9. Citizens.

14. On arriving at the cemetery the procession will gather around the colors of the G. A. R. and participate in the following exercises:

1. Band Music.

2. The decoration of graves simultaneously by thirteen squads of soldiers, accompanied each by a boy and girl with flowers, the band meanwhile playing a dirge.

3. Reading a poem—Prof. F. E. Plummer.

4. Vocal Music.

5. Dismissal with benediction.

The committee suggests that the above addresses do not exceed ten minutes in length.

They also recommend that places of business be closed from 1:30 to 4 P M., on Decoration Day, and that all citizens co-operate to render the occasion a memorial of those who in the days that tried men's souls gave their lives a ransom for the Nation.—(May 23, 1884.)

Jason D. Ferguson Post, No. 31, G. A. R. will meet at their hall at 10:30 A. M., Sunday—and will march to Opera Hall in a body at 11 A. M., to attend memorial services. A general attendance is required. I. L. SMITH, Com. of Post.

(May 23, 1884.)

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