Lewis F. Brown, g s w left shoulder | 4.00 |
David Dale, g s w left hand | 6.00 |
Wesley D. Barnes, g s w left foot | 4.00 |
John B. Love, disease of eyes | 4.00 |
Andrew Patton, chr diarr | 12.50 |
John Nelson. inj to back | 6.00 |
Henry O.. Ayers, g s w left arm | 6.00 |
R. F. Chapman, inj to spine and kidneys | 4.00 |
Michael Purkheiser, g s w right side chest | 14.00 |
Eugene A. Taylor | 6.00 |
E. D. FRENCH, dis of heart and frac .left clavicle | 10.00 |
S. P. Zenor, g s w right shoulder and left side head | 8.00 |
Hussong Calvin, inj right hip | 10.00 |
Eliza Jenkins, widow | 8.00 |
Henry Rigby, wd rt thigh chr diarr | 24.00 |
Michael D. Deal, g s w left foot | 4.00 |
Susannah Foster, mother | 8.00 |
J. B. Jacobson, injury to abdomen | 8.00 |
Dingus Hatfield, g s w left arm and foot | 4.00 |
Peter Johnson, g s w right side | 6.00 |
Lucy Olson, widow | 8.00 |
Malinda Johnson, widow | 8,00 |
J. M. C. Robbins, partial loss of sight | 8,00 |
A. J. Jones, dis of brain, sunstroke | 8.00 |
Nelson Erickson, shell wd right hand | 6.00 |
August Jacobs, g s w lft shoulder | 6.00 |
E. R,. Larson, chr diarr and erysipelas | 6.00 |
Wm. A. Wier, dis lungs and chr rheumatism | 12.00 |
Geo. Boyd, chr diarr dis lungs and rheu | 8.00 |
Benj. Hollingsworth, disease of eyes | 12.00 |
Ole Bergeson, g s w left foot | 10.00 |
Jefferson Moses chr diarr, res dis abd vis | 10.00 |
N. A. Myers, shell wound left shoulder and thigh | 12.00 |
Arthur W. Johnson, wound of neck | 18.00 |
D. E. Weatherly, injury to left side and chest | 2.00 |
Henry Dimmitt, g s w right thigh | 6.00 |
James M. Price. chronic rheumatism | 8.09 |
—(January 9, 1884.)
A Grand Army Post was organized at Nevada Monday evening, January 7, 1884, and the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: Commander I. L. Smith; Senior Vice Commander, O. W. Wilson; Junior Vice Commander, Guilf Mullen; Adjutant M. C. Allen; Quarter Master, F. D Thompson; Surgeon, Dr. P. W. Farrar; Chaplain, Rev. A. K. Bone; Officer of the Day, C. W.