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1887 History of Story County, Iowa by W. G. Allen

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of the mail is thus hastened twelve hours. These increased postal facilities result from the extraordinary development of the country largely consequent upon the great amount of railroad building which has been done during the last few years. It is not unusual for the day line west to leave Cedar Rapids with 1,500 to 2,000 lbs. of paper mail; and the amount is constantly increasing. On the Northwestern two postal clerks are employed for the day service and one for the night. Soon two clerks in every mail car will be a necessity. Frank Dana, of this city, who has been employed on this route for some months, is transferred to the night service. The change is a promotion with increase of salary, and is an emphatic declaration of his efficiency in the service of Uncle Sam. —( Jan. 24, 1883.)

Matters at the court house are progressing favorably. The jury civil cases have been disposed of, but several equity cases are yet to be submitted to the court. The cases so far that have created the most interest have been the liquor cases and the Scott Ozmun cattle stealing case. The former cases on one plea and another have been virtually dismissed. The latter case occupied the time of the court all day yesterday, and will not go to the jury before noon to-day. The attendance of witnesses and other persons from the southeastern part of the county was quite large and a good deal of interest shown in the testimony given. The Porter murder case is set for to-day. Of this there are to be two trials. Mrs. Porter and John the youngest son are defendants in the first trial, and George Porter in the second. These trials will awaken a great deal of interest throughout the county, and the attendance will be large. The prosecution is to be conducted by John R. HAYS. assisted by F. D. Thompson and J. F. Martin. The defense is in the hands of Funson & Giford and J. S. Frazier. The prospects are now that the session will extend into next week, though the ability and disposition of Judge Henderson to dispatch business may bring about an earlier adjournment.—(Jan. 31, 1883.)


George W. Mullen will quit farming and go into the ministry He will commence his new work in April.

E. D. Heck is holding a musical institute at Summit chapel.

The parsonage at New Hope is at a standstill; when completed it will make a pleasant residence.

Rev. A. K. Bone was the recipient of a fine donation at his church Friday evening. An ample supper was prepared of which over one hundred persons partook. All enjoyed themselves hugely. The receipts of the evening were quite large.—(Jan. 31, 1883.)


Having been committee of the county farm for the past year and knowing that there is a desire among the people to learn some-

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